The Plan Is In Action

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Your POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. Sportacus and I kissing. What would have happened if we would've kissed? What would it have felt like? These thoughts went through my head as I woke up early not being able to sleep. I decided to go out on a morning walk to try to clear my head.

Robbie POV:

I saw through my periscope that Y/N, was taking a morning walk. Brilliant, my plan starts now. I started heading out towards my machine.

Your POV:

I stopped walking when I saw this weird machine thing. I walked up to it and it looked kind of antique. I walked through it and...

What was I doing? I remember coming to lazy town to visit Stephanie. I remember seeing Stephanie. But nothing after that. Why was it darkish out? What time was it? I looked at my watch. 3:30 AM.

"What? I should be in bed."

Why am I even up?

I started heading back to our Uncle Milford's house. Until I saw a unfamiliar face.

"Uh, hello I'm Y/N. I can't seem to remember my way around here. I'm new, could you please direct me to the mayor's house?"

"Y/N? What are you taking about? Do you not remember me, I'm you're friend. Robbie?"

"You are? That's great because I can't seem to remember anything."

"That's a shame. Well head back to your house, which is in that direction," Robbie said while pointing North, "and we will meet back here later today at 10:24 AM sharp."

"Got it, see you later I guess." I started to walk off until Robbie grabbed my arm.

"Oh, and remember don't speak to anybody."

I nodded and headed on my way. I safely made it home with only a few wrong turns. I went to a room that seemed familiar and behold it was my room. I went to bed and it was actually kind of peaceful.

I woke up at 9:30 AM. I had plenty of time to get ready and relax for a bit. After I got dressed into a plain F/C  T-shirt and blue jeans, I ate breakfast. When I was almost done I looked at the time, 10:15 AM. I gasped, I'm going to be late. I going to get lost. I scarfed down the rest of the food and rushed outside. I ran to the park where Robbie and I met last night and saw him sitting on the park bench.

"Hey. Why'd you want me to meet you here?" I asked kind of confused.

"Hi. I wanted to help you try to remember." Robbie stated.

"Alright, first tell me do I have a job?"

"Do you have a job? Of course you do. Your the trash picker upper. You just walk around picking up trash. "

"Really? But I hate trash, and picking things up."

"Well it was the only job available for now, and it pays pretty well. In fact, it's about time your job starts."

"Oh ok. Where uh is it."

"Anywhere you see garbage. All you do is walk around and pick up garbage. Then at three when your shift ends you usually head back home and do nothing."


I got up and started looking around.

Time skip to 12:00 PM

Stephanie POV:

"Guys." I said as I ran up to Pixel and Ziggy because the others were busy.

"Yeah?" Ziggy said slightly confused about my worrying.

"I think something is wrong, Y/N has been walking around picking up garbage all day."

"Yeah that is weird." Pixel stated.

"Come on let's go." I said leading the way.

We walked up to Y/N.

"Y/N are you feeling ok?" I asked actually sounding concerned.

"Um, yeah."

"You know you can trust us, right?" Ziggy said.

"Trust you? I don't even know you." Y/N said a little confused.

"What?" Me, Ziggy and Pixel all questioned in sync.

"If this is a joke, it isn't funny." I said worry clear in my voice.

"Im not joking, uncle Milford, you, and Robbie are the only ones I know here."

"Robbie Rotten." We once again said in sync angrily.

I sighed, "You don't even remember, Sportacus?"

"Who?" Y/N said with a slight chuckle.

We all gasped. "Oh no, this is terrible we have to help her remember." I stated.

"Yeah, but how?" Ziggy asked.

"Well, when this happened to Sportacus a while back he needed something to trigger his memory, and that was his crystal. So maybe we just need to trigger her memory." Pixel stated.

"Alright we'll find something. Y/N stay here we will be right back." I told her, being slightly stern.

"Alright Steph, I won't go anywhere."

How are we going to trigger her memory. Maybe Sportacus can help, and after we get her memory back we need to talk to Robbie. I can't help but feel like he had something to do with this.

A/N: Dun Dun Dunnnnnn! What's Going To Happen. I Wonder What Could Possibly Happen When We Get Sportacus Involved. 😏😏😏.

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