"Yay! Thank you! Let's just hope everything goes as planned." I cheered. My parents just laughed shaking their heads at me.

"It will, don't worry." My dad reassured me with a smile. I just smiled back before hugging him and jogging over to where everyone was warming up.

"Okay everyone shift and get into pairs; we're sparing today." My father said with a little to much enthusiasm in his voice. This was usually the only time of the day where he wasn't in a office working. Leo jogged over to me seeing as he couldn't spar with Dom because neither of them would want to hurt the other. And since we were beta, alpha, and best friends we usually always spared together.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?" I jokingly asked Leo when he got up to me.

"Oh please you're going down." He answered back with a sly smirk. I just grinned before letting Axel take over.

I felt the all to familiar feeling of my bones cracking and reforming; I could feel my skin being replaced by tougher and rougher skin and my black fur coat growing out. I shook my fur out while stretching out. I looked over to see my beta looking over at me; his familiar blue eyes and auburn brown fur looking at me.

Look at your mate. He is nearly drooling. I joked at Leo through out link. He quickly turned in the direction of his mate and put on a wolffish grin when he saw him. Dom's wolf had a dark grey coat with yellow eyes; depending on your ranking in a pack your wolf had a different eye color. All alpha and beta wolves have bright blue eyes, thirds also called gammas have one blue and one yellow eye. And omegas are special, whilst other wolves have electric yellow eyes omegas have golden eyes, like Ben. But if you're a rouge, then you have dirty red eyes.

Dude have you guys never seen each other in wolf form yet? I questioned with a chuckle while nugging Leo's side. He and Dom were staring at each other lovingly.

No. Was the short reply I got before my father started ordering us around telling us what he wanted everyone to start with. Leo and I were starting with fighting each other head-on-head.

You're going down Axel. I heard Leo's wolf Luka growl out through out link.

Bring it. I replied before giving control over to Axel. Today was going to be a long day.

Time skip: After training before date

"Told you I'd kick your ass." I chuckled tossing a water bottle at Leo. We finished out training for the day and we currently were cooling down. As expected I beat Leo most of the time but he did get me a few times when I wasn't paying attention, or when I was mind linking Ben.

"Whatever you should get going it's 11:15 now and you have to be ready at noon." Leo grumbled out. I quickly jumped up realizing what time it was before quickly yelling 'goodbye' to everyone and running to the pack house.

I got there in about two minutes with me sprinting at full speed. I slowed down once I got to the pack house and just jogged up to our room. When I pasted by Bens old room I heard a couple voice coming from inside, one of them being Bens; I figured he was just inside getting ready.

I quickly jogged up the stairs taking two at a time. When I got the our room I quickly jumped in the shower because my showers can take FOREVER. I made sure to keep my shower short so I would be able to be ready on time. Because according to my family and friends, I take more time then a girl getting ready.

After my shower I saw that I had 15 minutes then get ready; I still had no idea what I was going to wear so I had to go quick.

Alphas Little Omega Where stories live. Discover now