You will pay for that Sister or half Sister-whatever.

Start from the beginning

"It's healing liquid that I found in the twelfth century. I didn't need it but I thought you would. It works way better than vampire blood."

This time not just Damon, but every single person in the room was surprised. "Umm..."

"Thank me later." And with that, Nik left.

Everyone remained silent for a while until Damon smirked at me, "You didn't get me anything?"

"Who'd get you anything poo face?"

He laughed and so did everyone else.

“Well that was a success, how do you think you're going to get him to love you when you do that all the time?” Mac asked with a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses in hand.

I smirked, “Mac remember who you're talking to, plus nothing I could do would stop him from loving me,” I shrugged, grabbing a shot glass off her and sitting down oon the floor.

Slowly, wishing Damon, everyone left the room. I sat next to Damon examining the gifts he got. Suddenly the door opened and in came James, Emma, Claire and Ronald. I grinned ear to ear on seeing them. Apparently Damon wasn't as pleased to see them.

Before I could ask what happened, Ronald had me pinned against the wall and the other three started circling Damon. James smiled up at me, "I've been finding this bastard for years and you simply helped us by calling. How convenient."

"What's happening?" I asked, my tone dead serious.

Emma stood up, "Why don't you just ask him why he killed Roy? My twin, remember?"

I raised an eye brow, "That guy was a jerk. Deserved to die. Good job Damon."

Damon smirked, "Totes Megan."

I laughed, "Totes?"

"Learned from you. And to answer you Emma, Roy was a jerk. He tore my leather jacket. That shit was expensive." Angrily, Emma charged at him and he dodged easily, "Easy there, kitten!"

"Fuck you!"

"Come over tonight," Damon winked.

"Gross! Don't tell me I just witnessed this!" I cried.

And before Damon could reply, a stake was shoved through his shoulder. Claire cocked a brow at me, "And what about daddy, Damon? What did he do to you?"

Giving a cry of pain, Damon pulled out the stake, "This one's reasonable. He tried to kill me first."

"Well, you killed him. That's what's not reasonable."


"And Amanda? I loved her! You killed her for no reason!" James almost yelled.

"Well... I was hungry and she was annoying.

I mentally face palmed. "Well, since everything's cleared now, it was nice meeting ya chaps. You may leave." I said cheerfully.

"You took away all the property my grandfather left me," Ronald said, loosening his grip on me a little.

"Eh... I liked that place."

And now, mentally I was banging my head to the wall. "Great! Now that's done too. Leave."

"I'm sorry. We want to see Damon die today," Claire whispered.

"But- but, its his birthday!" I argued.

"That makes it better."

"Megan," Damon begun, "It's okay. Just remember, I love you."

And then, he closed his eyes.

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