Chapter Five

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We get to Rocco's place and we all sit around the table. "Anybody you think is evil?" Rocco asked confused. "Aye." Connor says. "Don't you think that's a little weird, a little psycho?" He asks. "You know what I think is psycho Roc?" Connor says then taking a hit of his cigarette. "It's decent men with loving families. They go home every day after work, and they turn on the news. You know what they see? Rapists and murderers and child molesters. They're all getting' out of prison." He finishes. "Mafiosos..." I say. "Getting caught with 20 kilos. Getting out on bail. Some fucking day." I say. "And everywhere, everyone thinks the same thing. Someone should just go kills those mother fuckers. "Said Connor. "Admit it. Even you've thought about it." Said Murphy to Rocco. "You guys should be in every major city." Says Roc. "This is some heavy shit man." He continues. "This is like 'lone ranger' heavy, man. Fuck it! There's so much shit that pisses me off! You guys should recruit. Cause I'm sick and fuckin' tired of walking down the streets waitin' for one of these crack-pipin'; Low lives to get me!" "Hallelujah, Jaffar." I say. "You're not just talking about mob guys, right? You're talking about pimps and drug dealers and all that, right?" "Oh yeah." Connor reply's. "Fuck. You guys could do this every damn day." Rocco says. "We're sort of like seven-eleven. We're not always doing business but we're aaalways open." Says Murphy pointing at Rocco. "Nicely put brother. Nicely put." "Thank you." Murphy says back smirking.


About an hour and twenty beers later all we could manage to do was eat pizza and fuck around because if we tried to get up we'd probably fall over. "I will fuck you up dude." Rocco says playing around with one of the boy's knives as I shoved a pizza down my throat. "Oh, boy. You fuckin' guys. You ruined me. I'm fucking done." Rocco says after drinking almost a whole bottle of apple whisky. "Permanent fucking package boy." I say laughing. "Fuck it!" Rocco says. "I'm done. I deserve it. I've been workin' for those fat bastards since I've been high school. They can suck me pathetic little dick and dip me in marinara sauce." He says while pizza chunks are flying out of his mouth. "Fuck it! I'm doin' it. It is done." Then he slams his fists in the table and the gun goes off shooting the cat all over the wall. "SHIT!" I scream as we all move to the other side of the room. "Is it dead?" Rocco asked. "Are you fucking dumb." I asked. "You fucking killed it." Murphy yells. "I can't," I say, "This is too much I'm fucking going to bed." I walk over to and slump myself on a chair. Rocco grabs a random bean bag and lays down in the kitchen and Connor lays on the couch and Murphy lays on the ground. Everyone was basically knocked the fuck out but I couldn't manage to fall asleep. "Freya?" I hear Connor say from the couch. "Yeah?" I asked. "Come over here." He says kind forcefully. I got up. It was very dark in the room and couldn't see where I was going and was trying to be as quit as possible. I was moving my arms around to make sure I wouldn't hit any tables or chairs when I felt Connor standing up in front of me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Shh." He says. As he wraps his hand around me waist and pulls me closer to his body. He slowly started to kiss my neck as he slid his hand in pants. He slowly and quietly laid me on the couch. I started to take his shirt off and then he unbuckled his pants. I slipped my pants off and dragged myself more underneath him. He put my hand behind my head as he slowly started kiss my neck all the way down around my breasts. Then took my legs and wrapped them around his back. He took his fingers and started to play around with me until He knew I was ready for him to enter me. He started to thrust up against me and I was struggling not to moan. I wrapped my arms around him to pull him closer to me. He went up and kissed my lips. I suppressed the moans that threatened to release. But this couldn't happen. Not right now. Not with Murphy and Roc in the room. I arched me back so that my skin would touch his. My teeth clinched as pressure was building up inside me. I was holding back as much noise as I could as his mouth sucked onto my skin as he thrusted more deeply. He let out a soft moan barley escaping his lips. He started to go faster and faster as he kissed down my neck eventually kissing my lips. He started to go faster and I turned my head to let out a long moan. I could tell he was trying hard to hold his back. He started to go slower as we both were about to reach our climax. "Fuck." He muttered. As we both let out a long moan. He lifted his body up and slid out of me and I moved over so that I could reach on the ground and grab my clothes. I couldn't find my shirt so I put his on. He put on his boxers and jeans and eventually we just laid there. What had just happened?

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