Thanksgiving Mutants!

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For now on Deidra now wears a green shirt with a grey hoodie. She has a purple skirt with the same boots, but they are purple with black on the bottom and at the top. And her hair is just straight down.

It was the day before Thanksgiving! Splinter and the turtles all invited April, KC , and Deidra to come for Thanksgiving dinner. April and KC already had plans. Deidra didn't have any plans because the turtles and Splinter where the closest family she had. So that night they had to get the drinks for Thanksgiving dinner. Deidra and the turtles went to topside at nighttime, when nobody was out. They went to get Deidra's home made tea.

" Why did we have to go all the way to your house, just so you could get your own home made tea?!" Raph angrily said.

" Because I only like the way I make my own tea and I don't want your tea. What can I say, I'm picky." Deidra admitted.

" Then why couldn't you make your tea at the lair??" Raph asked tense.

" Calm down.I made my own tea maker-" Deidra was cut off by Donnie,

"Wait, what? You made it?"

"Yeah, that's what I just said."

They then reached Deidra's house. Deidra unlocked her door and they went inside. They saw a weird invention on her kitchen counter.

" Is that the tea maker?" Mikey questioned about to touch it. Before he could, Deidra grabs his hands.

" No touchy. And yes." Deidra said, Mikey frowned. Deidra let go of him and she got a tea jug [that's what my papal calls them] and put it where a spout was. On the right side of the top she put water in. On the middle of the top she put the tea bag. And the last one she put sugar in.

" There then the water will heat up, it then goes to under the tea bag. Then when it is ready it goes under the sugar and the sugar pours in and it mixes in this area. Then it comes out like so." Deidra showed them when it happened.

" Wow!" The turtles said at the same time.

" I know." Deidra crossed her arms and had a 'better than you' smirk on. They all laughed.

"Let's put this in the fridge before we go, so your hands won't burn while you carry it back." Leo said and put it in the fridge.

" Thanks. Oh! Come meet my pet mouse! It is so cute!" Deidra excitedly said, but before they could answer her, she pushed them all to the living room. There was no cage, no mouse to be found.

" Uh, where's the mouse?" Leo said.

" I didn't even call her yet." Deidra went to a hole in her wall.

" It's not a pet if it is in your house eating your wall!" Raph yelled.

" Ugh, I got Mouse from a pet store and I took her home to explore and let her get use to the place. And she thought this was a good place for her and she stayed ever since." Deidra said bluntly.

" Oookaaay..." Raph freaked out.

" Mouse! Come here Mouse!" Deidra called.

" You called your pet mouse, Mouse?" Raph said.

" Yeah, my favorite animal is a mouse." Deidra answered. Mouse came out of the whole and ran in Deidra's arms. Mouse had snow white fur and sparkling blue eyes." Here she is! Isn't she cute!"

" She's ok." Raph said.

" She's sooo CUTE!" Mikey said petting Mouse.

" Yes, she is cute." Donnie said also petting her.

" Come on, guys I think the tea is cooled off." Leo said tapping his foot.

" Oh ok, bye Mouse" Deidra kissed her and let her back down. Deidra looked at her hoodie, that had Mouse fur all over it. She tried to dust it off but it was stuck, so Deidra just didn't worry about it. Deidra grabbed the tea, she had no top so she had to be careful. They went outside and Deidra was talking about how she only liked her tea. What they didn't know was they where being watched by Tiger Claw. Tiger Claw's mission was to mutate Deidra. Tiger Claw was on a roof top right above where Deidra was talking she stopped because she was auguring. Now was the perfect time to pour the mutagen in Deidra's tea, and they wouldn't hear it splash because they are to loud to hear it. Tiger Claw got half the mutagen in the tea, but before he got more in they all started running and went in the shadows.

TO BE CONTINUED: Sorry The update to so long but I had writers block at the end of the story. But when I finished it I will update but for now this is all I got! Bye! Mouse Out!

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