My Sober Day pt 5

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Duotine. I knew that name. It was the name of the medication my doctors gave me that made me go all woozy and fall asleep. The same pills that were laying in the box in front of me. Red and small and almost candy-like. But they were not candy. I knew that for sure.

    Do ittttt. I heard a little voice inside of my head. He reminded me of a snake. Do ittttt Fran. It'll be fun, c'mon. What've you got to lose? Hmmmm. I didn't think about that. What would happen if I took the pills? Could it hurt me? They did look a little bit like candy. Maybe that's what I'll do. I'll trick myself into thinking that they're candy.

    I took one into my hand and gave it a sniff. Well here goes nothing... I popped it into my mouth and swallowed deeply. The effects occurred almost instantly. I felt a low throbbing at the top of my head and heard a ringing noise. Oh no. Not again.

    A gurgling sensation remained at the end of my throat, and I felt a strong urge to vomit. Then the whispers began. Small at first, then high and booming and loud and I covered my ears to block out the noise. It did nothing, though, because it was all in my head. I knew that, but I couldn't stop the pain. The memory of this feeling was all too familiar.

    I blinked and blinked and fluttered my eyes, trying to adjust to my dizzy surroundings. The room had grown an odd red tint, like the time my mother spilled her red wine and stained her white dress. Even after washing it multiple times, the slight crimson color remained there, like a memory.

    I peered to the window beside me and saw a girl. She was um... well. My mother always told me that everyone is beautiful. That even if they look different, or even though they may act gross, they are probably going through hard times. You should never assume someone's situation, she said.

This poor girl must have been going through some rough times. Her skin was translucent and white as a puffy cloud. She looked like a sheet of paper. Her eyes, or at least where her eyes most likely were supposed to be, looked like hollow sockets. Black and lifeless and dripping with black liquidy goo. Poor thing! From what I could tell, her dress was torn to shreds, showing off her bones nearly popping out of her body. Maybe she was homeless. Maybe she couldn't afford clothes. Maybe her parents abandoned her. Maybe they were murdered like mine.

    I waved to her, and she turned her head unnaturally to one side. She grew a grimace and showed off black, rotting teeth. I guess that's what happens when you can't afford a toothbrush. How sad...

    As I stepped away from the window, my foot fell unto something mushy and slimy. As I looked down, I realized it was a dead bunny rabbit. How tired and somber he looked. I bent down to give him my condolences and realized he had a gunshot wound directly above his left eye. This made me quite angry. These disgusting people hunting innocent creatures to make themselves feel at power. It made me sick. I took a daisy from the pot sitting on the window and rested it next to his deceased form. I wondered what it was like in bunny heaven. I hoped it was nice. He deserved someplace nice.

    I got back up on my feet and scanned the room around me. There seemed to be a staircase that I had never noticed before next to my bed. How peculiar... I decided to ask the nurse what was her opinion on the new setup, but she didn't seem to be where I remembered her. Instead there was a cloud of black smoke in the shape of some sort of man. He had white glistening eyes and a long mouth full of slime. His chest was heaving back and forth with struggling breaths, and his mouth spit furiously, hoping for something to drink? I wasn't sure, but he looked quite thirsty to me.

    In the old dusty wheelchair lay a skeleton. She looked quite like the meanie nurse, except much more dead. I didn't think that was possible, but I guess anything can happen. Watch your step, I read in dripping letters of red. That same red seemed to be smeared in messages across all of the walls in this room. Most of the words were too thick and droopy to read, but these could easily be seen to my eyes. What was the red liquid? Not orange enough to be ketchup, yet not dark enough to be blackberry jam. Hmm. I wasn't sure. On the towel rack, there was a cup I didn't remember being there before. Inside was a sharp needle, the kind my mother used to sew with. I had a feeling this would come in handy.

    I first thought that everyone had left the room, but I saw a familiar back of the head from across the room. "Phil!" I yelled and my eyes lit up. I ran over to where he usually sat on the bed, but he looked a bit different. His skin was patchy and gone in some places and looked as if it was melting off. His hair had most likely fallen off, as his hairline was roughly stitched on. Whoever did it hadn't done a very good job. I could tell by the bloody scabs lining the scar. I guess they tried their best though, and that's all that matters. I patted Phil on the shoulder, and he looked up at me with blood-red eyes. The same color that was all over the ceiling. Oh no. It couldn't be...

    I stumbled backwards and ran into a pretty deer sitting in a chair in the corner. I pet his antlers and his head slunk forward and landed on the floor with a splat. The feeling in my throat came back, but this time, I couldn't control myself. I expelled what felt like all of my insides onto the ground next to the deer's head. I crumpled to the floor and began belching heavily. I couldn't even describe the amount of pain I felt as salty tears ran down my cheeks.

After what felt like hours, I managed to bring myself up and try - and fail - to open up the door. I struggled to withhold my insides as I noticed the blood on and around the entrance of the staircase I had noticed before. That seemed to be the only way I could go at this point. I sighed and faltered uneasily to where I hoped would lead to my escape.

Happy New Year! I hope you guys are enjoying this book, as it is my favorite to write. I actually really liked this chapter... Idk I kind of just liked the bunny part lol. But yee, I hope you enjoy the new year and don't die in 2017!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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