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I had a dream that something was happening where Keith was forced to be a wellbehaved gentleman and we all rebelled against the tosser who was trying his damndest to take us down... I was cursing up a storm and apologizing to a girl I think it was Lee and then I said I'm from new york I could care less sides I fucking love swearin'! And she took to us quickly... we were destroying things and trying to escape the place we rioted to the last remaining staircase which lead to the roof I screamed from below grabbing the girl and telling her to come with as we watched Keith lead the rebellion and John smashing things, Pete and Roger were looking up at them as well... and that bastard was hot on our heals... Then I woke up!! O.o

Colors of shirts:
Keith was in white "When did he ever wear white?" -W "Uh...A bunch of times..." -M
John was in blue "He looks good in blue trust me." -M "He looks good in anything,  I prefer him naked myself."-W
Pete was in Green "He's wore it before." -M "No he hasn't." -W
Roger was in  Purple "I've never seen him in purple." -W "He's looks pretty cool in it." -M

It started with me and Watts trying to decide what color each member should wear...

Everyone was there Watts, Ten, AndI, Lee, Led Zeppelin, The Who!! :D

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