Chapter 6: Second Encounter

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A/N: Warning!!! There will be bloody scenes.
Victor 's P.O.V
I'd watched Tasha getting comfortable with my younger brother and I warned what's gonna happen to her if I catch her with Logan. In anger I Clawed the tree in half .  I'm going to kill her physically and mentally.

Natasha 's P.O.V
I woke up out of breath and sweaty. Then my phone was ringing so I picked it up. It was from Victor.

Victor >Natasha :
Meet me on Parkway Avenue under the bridge. Come Alone.
I hesitated to get up but I put on a red sweater and blue jeans. I put my gun in my boot just in case and I opened the door to my apartment and closed it. ~ At Parkway Avenue ~  I drove my black corvette to the parking lot. I stepped out of my car and walked towards   the bridge when I was slammed against the brick wall. Victor grinned as he touched my cheek. I tried to  flinched away from him but it was useless. " I thought I told you to stay away from him." He said darkly as his horrid breath hits my face. I struggled under his hold as he grabbed my face. " Normally I'll kill my victims but I want to enjoy your pain Black Widow." He said using my code name. I lifted my right knee and hit him in the jaw. He fell backwards and tried to scratch me with his claws but I shot him just in time. Then I took off towards my car but I tripped on a branch and I sprained my ankle so I crawled on the ground. " Now I'm really going to kill you !!!" He roared. My car was 8 ft away so I crawled slowly to the parking lot then Victor was on top of me holding me on the ground. " Victor!!!" Someone yelled. It was Logan. Then he kicked Victor off of me and the two fought while I tried to get to my car. When a familiar face came into view. " Nat!!" said Clint Barton. " C-Clint." " Hang on Nat I got you." He said as he carried me to his car. " How did Logan know to call you?" I asked him. " He didn't. I called your phone but when Logan told me that you weren't home and plus I kinda knew Sabertooth would try to follow you." Clint stated. I smirked at him.

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