First Date/Actors

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R D J~
The first date with Robert was you guys snuck into a pool. Robert decided to take you out and show you what it felt like to be rebellious. The two of you had driven to a pool area, that was obviously restricted, and climbed the fence. Neither of you went in the water, in order to not make any noise or leave evidence that you were there. You and Robert just sat on the bleachers and talked about your childhood, hopes, dreams, you even shared some similarities in your bucket list. At the end of the night, Robert drove you back home safely and this date was the start of many more to come.

C H R I S E V A N S~
Chris took you to a theme park. But not just any theme park. You went to Disneyland, being that neither one of you had been. Chris drove you there in his car and payed for the tickets. I've you got inside the theme park, you both ran to It's A Small World. The next ride you went on was the Haunted Mansion. By 2 o'clock you and Chris had gone on half the rides. To end the day at Disneyland, you two watched the firework show.

C H R I S H E M S W O R T H~(F/C)=fav culture
Chris took you to a culture fair. Since you both became friends, he knew how interested you were in different cultures. At the fair you tried multiple dishes and tried on different outfits from different cultures of the world. Your favorite culture was (F/C). Chris enjoyed seeing that beautiful bright smile of yours. The culture fair date was a date to be remembered.

J E R E M Y R E N N E R~
Mr. Renner set up a scavenger hunt for the two of you. Well, he had someone else set up the scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt was to find the location of your date. Once you and Jeremy had figured out all the clues, it had lead to you to a ice cream parlor, ice cream being one of your favorite treats. This is how most of all your other dates with Jeremy were planned.

M A R K R U F F A L O~(F/B)=fav band
Mark and you went to enjoy live music in the park. Mark enjoyed music and so did you. The best thing was Mark loved experiencing new music genres. Therefore the date was to take Mark to see (F/B) live in Central Park. You were surprised that Mark had never heard of the band. When the band played their first song on the set list, Mark instantly feel in love with them. It was because of you Mark had become a hard core fan of (F/B).

S E B A S T I A N S T A N~
Seb and you agreed on going to a go kart race track. Sebastian is a really relaxed kind of guy and you being a very chill person decided to do something exciting (the two of you are not boring). KART RACING. The both of you met up at the track. When you got on the track you ran to the first car you saw and it was red. Sebastian took the green one. It had officially turned into Mario Kart (you get it? Get the reference?). The two of you went around the track 5 times and you have won 3 out of 5 rounds. This date is what brought you and him closer together and what made him realize that he loved you.

A N T H O N Y M A C K I E~
Anthony took you to a jazz club. You loved jazz music. Anthony knowing this took you to a jazz club. You both just sat in the club with a few drinks (soda, water, etc.) and just nodded your head along with the sound of the music.

T O M H I D D L E S T O N~
You and Tom went horseback riding. You loved horses. You loved how strong and big they were. They such majestic beings. When you and Tom went horseback riding, both your horses rode side by side. As the trail came to an end you told Tom you were thankful for the date and said you would love to do it again next time he was in town.
(*everything I said about the horses is exactly how I feel about them. I LOVE horses*)

T O M H O L L A N D~
Tom took you rock climbing. This Tom took you rock climbing as part of his training for his role in Spider Man: Homecoming but also because you requested that you guys do this. When you both got setup to climb you challenged him. You are really competitive. You had a lot of confidence that you would win the race, but the winner turned out to be Tom. You being prideful said at the end of the race that "I let you win." You both continued climbing until you both got tired and hungry. After you both went out to eat at a local restaurant and spent your time talking about growing up and your careers.

P A U L B E T T A N Y~
You organized a date at the planetarium. You knew that Paul had a fascination with planets and space so you decided that a date to the new planetarium would surprise him. You had picked him up from his hotel and when he asked where you were going you told him to an art museum. When you arrived at the planetarium, Paul was extremely shocked at where you had taken him. He was so grateful and you dragged him inside as you went to learn about the world surrounding the Earth.

C H A D W I C K B O S E M A N~
Chad took you to a karaoke bar. Chad wasn't that big on karaoke bars because he never really went to them, but he made an exception for you. He knew that you would love it because it gave the both of you a break from fame. Once you got there, you ordered a drink and watched others perform. After a while and a few beers, you urged Chad to go up and sing. He refused up until you agreed you would go up and sing with him. The two of you took the stage and sang a duet. Once the song ended the crowd in the bar applauded and wanted an encore. For the rest of the night, Chad and you sang karaoke making the crowd laugh. This date resulted in you both buying a karaoke machine and Chad falling in love with karaoke.

R Y A N R E Y N O L D S~
You and Ryan being the relaxed people you were, went bowling. Ryan and you were very relaxed, so the date was to go bowling. The first option was to go see a movie, but that would only result in a crowd of fans. Bowling went very well, but it did turn into a competition because Ryan decided to trash talk. You ended up winning. This date was the gateway to your many other dates and your relationship.

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