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A/N: feel free to laugh at my grammar and terrible spelling. Warning there are some swearing and profanity that's not meant for young children. Enjoy.

Peter Pan's POV
I got my curse. "I'm coming for you Lyric." I said to myself. I was still in Henry's body and needed to get out. I was walking around the forest, waiting for the curse to uncoil.

I felt tingling in my body. "Shit." I said to myself. My and Henry were changing back bodies.

I woke up in my lovely son's shop. Little did he know he had 15 minutes left to talk to me. I had enough. I needed Lyric now!! "There is one lesson son." I said to Rumple. He looked at me confused. "Never make a cage you can't get out of." I said and took off the cuff I maid. Idiot. I put it on him, put a sleeping spell on him and ran.

I looked over the horizon and smirked. I saw the group of people who are trying to stop me. I took the curse with my magic. "He's got the..." Hook said but cut him off with a freezing spell. "The curse. That I do." I said. I looked at the horizon. It's almost here. I smirked. "I'm your new leader." I said as the purple smoke engulfed us.

I made the town like it normally was. "I will be waiting for you Lyric. I will always wait for you." I said in the mayoral chair. I looked up and smiled. I made a crystal ball to keep an eye on her. She was reading a book in a bed. She looked sad. "Don't worry Lyric. You will be happy again." I said and looked outside. I smirked at my new Neverland.

The Shadow Girl.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora