Chapter 10: The Truce

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It's been a about an hour or two. The guardians and Tsuna are getting restless. They wanna do something... ANYTHING. Tsuna decided they would go on a walk. Clear their heads, do a little surveillance, get something to snack on. Just do SOMETHING. Hibari just went to the school, with his earpiece of course.

"Judime. What do you think Yuki and the bastard, Ayame, are going to do? They have no idea where the base is" Gokudera asked while they were in a cake shop. He was about to put a strawberry cream puff in his mouth.

"Yeah. I don't know. They may have more access to information but I'm not sure what they will get. I'm kind of worried about them. Plus... I'm also... hurt..." Tsuna trailed off trying to find the right words.

"Well he did say some pretty harsh words" Yamamoto said eating a blueberry muffin.

"He disrespected the TENTH AND VONGOLA!!" Gokudera said offended.

"That's was wrong TO THE EXTREME!" Ryohei said eating a pineapple upside down cake.

"B-Bossu" Chrome said sipping on plum tea. She knew her boss was hurt.

"No. It's okay. They are kind of right. It doesn't look like me, Dame-Tsuna, would be able to take down someone like XanXus. I did but they don't know..." Tsuna said. He understood why they said all of what they did but he still felt hurt. "I understand why but... but I... I fell like I lost a precious friend. I only knew him for a month... but I... it feels like I... I knew him for longer... I don't know. Maybe I'm losing it." He wasn't sure why but it hurt.

His guardians where really surprised. They didn't know how they  should take it. They knew that they got along really well. They thought they acted like brothers. It was even cool when they talked at the same time or even finished each other's sentences. It was funny.

"Maa Maa Tsuna. You're not losing it" Yamamoto said reassuringly.

"For once I agree with this baseball-nut. You two did get along really well" Gokudera said.

"Yeah. TO THE EXTREME. You kinda remind me of Kyoko and me" Ryohei said.

"Yeah Bossu. You two look good together" Chrome said.

"Thanks" Tsuna said.


Bombs went off close by. They all were alarmed. They got up and went to see what was happening.


Yuki and Ayame got a lot of information on the Calista family. But they couldn't find anything on their Japan base. They had no lead on where it could be. And they didn't know Namimori much. Yuki was here for a month but he was going to school, training in karate, and searching for the Vongola boss. He didn't go looking too much.

"Maybe we can go look around a bit. We can see if there are any of their men. We could follow them or put a tracking device on them" Ayame said.

"We can even get some desert. We worked hard and I want something sweet. There is this café that Tsuna-kun and I went to a lot. It's great" Yuki said. His smile depleted after he heard what he said.
He really didn't want to think that Tsuna was a liar. It didn't seem like him. It felt like that wasn't him. He couldn't lie. He didn't believe that Tsuna was lying. But he saw Tsuna at school. He was Dame-Tsuna because he was no-good at everything academic or athletic. He looked like he just couldn't do those things in the files. But it didn't feel like he was lying.

They went out by themselves. They were walking towards the café when these guys in suits stopped them.

"Who are you? Where are you headed?" One of the guys said with a deep intimidating voice.

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