"Oh..yeah I was quarterback. Whole career ended with the snap of my fingers shit was crazy."

"I can't imagine how that feels. Do they still give you a check?"

"Yeah they do but its not as much as I was making when I was on the team."

"When did this happen?"

"About 3 years ago."

"Can you see yourself playing again?"

"Sometimes I do. It would be kind of weird though because I haven't played in so long." 


"Yeah..you like basketball you any good?"I questioned, and he looked out the window.

"Yeah I'm a beast.. I never give played on a team before though, I just do it for fun..maybe one day I will."

"Why haven't you?"

"A lot of reasons..my grades were never good enough when I did try out for a team, I'm always changing schools, and I'm not gonna lie...sometimes I have trouble making it up and down the court cause I smoke so much."

"Do you want to play for a team?"

"Yeah it would be cool."

"You should."

"Why do you care so much..Not trying to ne disrespectful or nothing."

This boy just really just does not get it.

Once the car came to a stop light I looked at him, and shook my head.

"I care so much cause I don't want you going down the same path I went down...my wife..she been taking me to church and I learned that god only puts you through things to help the next. YOU ARE THE NEXT. You probably don't understand now, but maybe one day you will. You will thank me and hopefully you can repeat the pattern."

"You believe in god?"

"Yeah. You don't?"

"No..I mean do believe it's someone up there but if god was real why would he take my parents away from me? Why would I go through so much if god was real, and everyone says he's so great..my mom and pops believed in him but I just can't. Been through too much."

"You just don't know. I would explain it to you but it wouldn't stick..I'm picking you up Sunday and we going to church..dress nice."

"What? What if I already had plans?"

"Cancel them. Keep it sabbath."

"Nigga what?"

"Nothing..I'm coming to get you. Want me to pull up right here?" I asked once we got to his foster mothers house.

"Sure. Thanks man." He said and gave me dap.

"No problem. You family now." I told him before he shut the door.

He walked up to the house door and knocked, and I waited until someone answered because I didn't want to leave him and nobody would open the door for him.

IDGAF.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora