Jack was still here, sitting on the chair on his phone. He must have somehow moved from the bed to the chair.

He's here because of me.

I'm the reason he's sitting in this horrid hospital.

It's my fault he's here.

"Oh hey, you're up," I heard his voice, softer than his usual 'inside' voice.

I quickly averted my eyes.

"Don't worry, you didn't creepily stare at me - at least I hope not," Jack joked.

"You alright?" he asked, that same tone of concern in his voice.

"Where's Sam?" I asked about the plushie as I couldn't find it.

"Oh, here!" Jack handed the big, green plushie to me.

I squeezed him and held him close, resting my head on him.

"Heh, I think Sam likes you," Jack said with a sweet smile.

I just want this to be over.

"Hey, Y/N!" A bright, cheery voice greeted.

I looked over to see Signe standing in the doorway.

She came over and gave me a hug.

"I see you have a new friend!" she gestured to the giant Sam plushie.

I nodded, forcing a smile as always.

She dragged a chair next to Jack, or 'Sean', and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"So how are you?"

God, if I hear that sentence one more time.

"Okay," I lied.

I was worse than okay. I was at rock bottom.

"I bought you some chocolates," Signe announced happily, handing me a box of chocolates.

Finally, someone who understands my dietary needs.

"What? None for me?" Jack joked with a laugh.

I shook my head, Signe and Jack laughing at my response.

I quickly opened the chocolates and ate them slowly, savoring the flavor that would soon be gone.

"Like them?" Signe asked sweetly.

I nodded and continued eating them.
After a considerable amount of chocolates, I decided to put them to the side for later.

"Where's Mark?" I asked Jack,"He's been gone a while."

"Yeah, let me call him," Jack said, fumbling with his phone.

"But Mark's phone is here..." I reminded him.

"Yeah, but Amy has her phone."

After a few rings Mark, I assumed, answered.

"Hey, man, what's going on?" he asked,"Yeah, ohhhhh okay. Uh huh, yeah I'm just here with Signe. Yeah, I won't. Dude, chill it'll be fine. Okay, see ya."

"So?" I looked at Jack for an answer.

"I can't say, it's a secret," he grinned stupidly.

Signe playfully smacked his arm and he quickly whispered to her whatever this was.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Mark's phone.

Amy<3: Y/N, just want to remind you that Mark and I love you. <3

Fuck off.

Positivity to me was like sunlight to vampires. Something about it only made my negativity worse.

You: Thanks, love you too.

I have to lie, I have no other choice.
If I don't, I'll just ruin everybody else's mood.
And it'll be my fault.
God dammit, stop crying.

I had started to tear up unwillingly.

"You little shit!" My mother cursed at me,"Stop crying or else you'll get another beating."

I once again reflected on an unwanted memory, making me break down into tears.

"Hey, hey what's up?" Jack asked, Signe now sitting beside me and comforting me.

I sniffled and quickly wiped my eyes.

"It's nothing, I'm fine," I lied once again.

My whole life is a lie.

"You can talk to us," Signe said sweetly.

"I don't want to talk about it!" I lashed out, pushing Signe off the bed. She almost fell on the floor before Jack caught her.

I turned on my side and cried into my pillow.

I hate crying.
I hate me.
I hate my life.
I hate this world.
I hate Mark and Amy.
I hate Jack and Signe.
I hate my dad.
I hate my step-mom.
I hate my mom.
I hate everything.

"Merry Christmas!" I heard Mark's voice down the hallway.

I quickly wiped my eyes to avoid any questions.

Behind Mark was Amy, Wade, Tyler and Ethan.

They were all carrying plates of food and some little gifts.

Mark walked in the room with a huge smile.

"What?" I asked, severely confused.

"Since you didn't get to finish Christmas, we bought Christmas to you!" Mark explained.

"Merry Christmas!" They all exclaimed in unison.

I forced another smile.

Soon enough, the festivities began.
Mark went out handing the little gifts to other children in the hospital, saving the rest for me.

He handed me the gifts and I unwrapped each one.

One of the gifts was a beautiful necklace with a pearl. A real pearl. He put it on for me and I began admiring it.
"We can't spend all day staring at the necklace!" Mark encouraged with a smile.
As quick as it began, it was over. Mark had even dressed up as Santa at one point.

Jack and Signe had left now and I was with Amy.

I checked Mark's phone for the time. 9 o'clock.


I didn't understand why he did such a thing for me. I'm just a fuck-up.

I felt drowsy and rested my head on my pillow and fell asleep.

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