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"Do you know where they are, exactly?" Oikawa asks, all the while gazing at the sky with worried eyes. Silence is the only response he gets. With his feeling of worry only increasing due to the unnatural silence, with not even a single bird chirping, Oikawa grows antsy. "One of you... Please tell me some good news. The suspense is killing me."


Oikawa emits a shaky breath. He had, of course, known that the ship was no good. Yet part of him hoped... Part of him wished, oh so desperately, that it was a rebel ship. "I suppose that is better than the alternative," Oikawa emits. After all, if Terushima had been able to invade his powerful planet in just a few days, he would hate to think how little time it would take Terushima's forces to invade earth.

"Kindaichi must have used a teleporter and wave scrambler. I can't seem to locate him. However, I bet the incoming ship can. After all, spaceships that are large and can hold more computer systems in them," Ushijima announces, before letting his red eyes fade to a more human color. "I can predict the spaceship's landing spot. However, I can not get us there in time. That is where the temperamental spaceship comes in."

Upon hearing the insult, Lesya emits an engine revving sound that sounds strangely like a cat's hiss. After hissing for a good minute, Lesya lets Oikawa sit in the pilot seat and reluctantly lets Ushijima sit in the copilot's seat.

"I know you look like and feel like an old car right now," Oikawa says, with a grin on his face, "but that doesn't mean we can't fly fast. Don't hold yourself back, Lesya." At his words Lesya practically leaps into the air before going full throttle... Well, close to full throttle. She can't travel at light speed because the energy of the acceleration would incinerate nearby plants and animals for miles.

"You know," Oikawa says in a soft voice. He can't bring himself to speak louder... After all he is using most of his energy to keep himself calm. To prevent himself from panicking, and keeping his mind clear. "You never told me what Kindaichi was up to. Or what you think he is up to. What could Kindaichi possibly want with Iwa-chan?"

"For the sake of time," Ushijima responds, with his typical near expressionless face, "I'm going to sum it all up for you. Basically, Kindaichi works for Yahaba and Kyotani, who in turn work for Terushima."

"Fantastic," Oikawa snarls, "that's fucking fantastic! If they work for Terushima they aren't going to be your average underlings... From a scale of one to ten, how strong are they? Oh and ten would be as strong as Terushima."

Ushijima response is almost immediate. "Kindaichi is a five, Kyotani is a seven and Yahaba is an 8.5"

Knowing very well that Ushijima numbers are based on calculations that only cyborgs can create, his stomach grows queasy. "What about you, Lesya and I?"

Again, his response is almost immediate. "I am a seven, Lesya due to her old age is a four and you are an eight."

It takes a minute for Oikawa to process Ushijima words... To process Ushijima calculations. "What?" Oikawa screeches in disbelief. "I'm stronger than you, a cyborg? And Lesya, she is only a four?" Before Oikawa can say more, Lesya interrupts him.

After emitting a series of high pitched beeps, the windshield reads UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET RUN OVER AGAIN YOU BETTER RECALCULATE

"I'll recalculate later," Ushijima responds, with a surprising amount of tension in his voice. Knowing well that the unusually amount of tension in his voice has Oikawa feeling curiously, he hastily explains. "We've managed to beat Kyotani's ship to Kindaichi's and Iwaizumi's location, but not by much. We have an approximately five minutes to kill Kindaichi and rescue Iwaizumi."



Character design & development (for Oikawa): Nika Ravenscraft

Character design & development (for Lesya): Nika Ravenscraft

Character design & development (for Ushijima): Kira (nvillera)

Scenario development: Nika Ravenscraft & Kira (@nvillera)

Writing: Nika Ravenscraft

Editing:Nika Ravenscraft & Kira (@nvillera) 

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