20| Only You

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His expression didn't change. He probably expected me to say that. "Why?" He asked.

There comes the dreaded question.

"Don't make me say it out loud Owen," I begged. Perhaps if I didn't say it out loud, it wouldn't make it true. But sadly, whether I say it out loud or not doesn't make it any less true.

"That you hate my family?" He scrunched his eyebrows together.

"No it's definitely not that, and it's not your friends either," I explained. "And before you say it. It's not the fact that you took me to a fancy yacht followed by an equally fancy cabin by the lake."

"Okay, then what is it? I can't keep guessing. Frankly, I'm not good at guessing games."

How long does it take for two girls to carry an air mattress?

"This day just made me confirm what I believed in. I hate myself so much that it burdens me to be myself." I swallowed back my saliva. My throat seemed to become heavier. I knew my voice was about to crack any second. "I hate how I can't mingle and talk with other people. I hate how I have to be awkward around them. I hate how I can't make people laugh. I hate my stupid responses to every single fucking thing, and I hate how I'm not good enough for you."

"Stella, if you think that for one-"

I interrupted him, "I'm not done yet. I hate myself for having the thought about hating Audrey cross my mind because there's nothing wrong with her. I only think I hate her because she makes me realize everything I can never be. Which brings us back to the previous problem of me hating myself."

"You and Audrey are completely different people, never compare yourself to her or anyone else."

"How can you love two different people?" I asked. "Owen, I know you loved her. Hell, I know you still do and don't even deny it. I don't want to say I'm competing with her but, if I were you and I had to choose, I'd choose Audrey too."

That's what really drives the knife further into my heart, admitting the fact that the other option for Owen is better. Audrey is so put together. She has all the best qualities.

"But Stella there is no need to choose. There's only one option. I'd choose you today, tomorrow, next month. I want you for you. I don't need you to change to be more like Audrey because there's already an Audrey." He paused, "it would be a great shame if the world lost someone like you."

My heart was leaping. He wanted me because I was me. He didn't need me to change, even though that's all I've ever wanted to do. Owen believed in me when I couldn't even see the things I could love about myself.

He pulled me into a hug. "Don't give me a pity hug."

"This isn't a pity hug. This is an "I love you just the way you are hug" and an "I stained my shirt with ketchup hug."

I pulled away to see if he was lying. Sadly, he wasn't, but I didn't care about the mild red dot on my shirt. All I could think about was the fact that I was enough, even it may be for one person. It was good enough for me.

"I love you too despite the fact I can maybe whip your ass at soccer."

"What are you even saying? You can definitely whip my ass at soccer."


Despite the fact that I was wedged between the dresser and Audrey, I spent the night sleeping blissfully. I woke up, and no one else was in the room. I checked the time on my phone; it wasn't even eight o'clock yet. I couldn't have slept in. Then I realized that I woke up due to the screaming just outside my room. I quickly put on my bra and headed out.

It was hectic, Curtis and Bryan were punching each other in the living room until Owen's dad broke it off. It wasn't only Curtis who had bleeding knuckles and a bleeding cheek. Both Owen and Trevor were bleeding too, and for some reason so was Audrey. Her arm has a huge slash that started from her elbow and ended halfway down her forearm.

There was glass everywhere. There was a broken vase and painting on the floor. In the midst of all the chaos, stood Natalia. She was wet and wrapped in a towel. She looked distraught; she was staring down at one of the shards of glass as her mom asked if everyone was okay.

"Owen," I grabbed him by the shoulders and moved him to face me. His injuries weren't as bad as Curtis'. His lip was cut and bleeding. It could have been worse.

"I knew he was fucking creepy. He hurt Audrey, and I don't even want to tell you what he almost made Natalia do."

"We need to go to the hospital," I said to whoever was willing to listen. Audrey was still on the floor profusely bleeding.

"There's a nearby clinic. I'll take them," Owen's mom said.

"I'm staying. I need space to think," Natalia said. Her arms wrapped around her own waist, I saw the pad of her thumb making small circles on the towel.

"I'll stay with her," Trevor volunteered.

I entered the car with Owen's mom, Audrey, Trevor and Owen. I was witnessing some cliché love triangle. They were both staring at Audrey as if she might break any second. She was bleeding through the beige towel handed to her earlier.

In the other car, Owen's dad was driving Giuseppe and Bryan. I didn't know for sure but based on everyone's reaction and facial expression there was a big chance they were going to complain to the police.

Owen still won't tell me what happened. He barely talked or looked at me during the whole car ride. I felt selfish for wanting his attention, especially when he was injured. His sister was hurt, and his best friend was bleeding to death.

When we got to the empty clinic, nothing changed. During the time the three of them got treated for their injuries, all Owen could do was look at Audrey. He didn't have to say anything because I perfectly understood the message behind the eyes I've grown to love.

a/n Two more chapters before it's all over :( Anyways please continue supporting this book by commenting, following, sharing and voting! Also, the third book in this trilogy is up and it will be updated starting January 27. 

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