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《 Shinya's P.O.V 》

It's been one week. One week of torture and me thinking about you know who. Tomorrow was the day, I would finally be tutored by Guren! I wanted to make sure that I would wake up early and not miss the bus so I set my alarm to 3:00 in the morning. Crazy right? I brushed my teeth and went straight to bed. I pulled the covers over myself and attempted to sleep, but as everyone knows, when somebody is excited, that somebody can not fall asleep.

Ugh, why does being a human have to be so hard?

I sighed and picked up my laptop which was laying on my floor. I opened it up and logged in. My background had a picture of a white tiger. I had always been a huge fan of white tigers. When I was seven years old, Mahiru bought me a stuffed animal white tiger. Well actually she didn't buy it, she won it. We loved going to carnivals and each year on my birthday we would go. On my seventh birthday we went and decided to play some games. My sister won one of the games where you had to try to shoot as many monsters as possible before your time was up. The man who ran the game, gave her a gigantic stuffed white tiger which back then, was the exact same time as me. Ever since then, I've kept the magical tiger which I named Byakkomaru.

I drummed my fingers on my key board not knowing what to do. I logged onto twitter and searched up Guren's twitter. I hated seeing his profile picture. It was a picture of Mahiru and him. Why can't that be me instead of Mahiru?

I grumbled and scrolled down to see his tweets. There was a picture of Mahiru eating ice cream. I scrolled down more, getting angrier at every second. All there was, was pictures of Mahiru doing this and doing that and what made me even more pissed off was his captions;

"I love her."

"She's mine."

"I love her smile, she needs to smile more."

"What would I do without out her?"

I slammed my computer shut as hard as possible. Anger raged in my head as I hugged my pillow tightly trying not to get even more jealous then I already was. I looked up and took a deep breath. My poster of a white tiger calmed me down. It's blue eyes stared down at mine. The color of red faded away and my head became all light and fuzzy again.

"Thank you, Byakkomaru."

I yawned trying to forget about what I just saw. My hand reached underneath my pillow and I took out a photo album. I held it close to my chest as I leaned over to grab my flashlight from my bedside table. Before I realized that I was leaning too much, I fell off my bed. The photo album slipped from my hands and slid across the bedroom floor like it was ice, and stopped close to my bedroom door.

I groaned hoping that Mahiru didn't hear that. She was always suspicious of me doing something "weird" at night. As I tried to get up, pain launched itself on my ass. Great. Suddenly my ears picked up the sound of someone coming up the stairs. Shit.

Just as my bedroom door opened, I launched myself at the photo album and shoved it under my body, hoping that it was well hidden. Mahiru opened the door. Her eyes widened when she saw me on the floor.

Please don't see it, please don't see it!

"Um, Shinya what are you doing so late at night?!"

"W-what do you mean?" I glanced at my clock and realized it was midnight.

"It's 12, you idiot." Mahiru rolled her eyes at me. I tried not to show I was hiding anything, but the nervousness in my voice didn't help at all.

"Oh right. Haha, I guess I lost track of time." I laughed uneasily.

"Whatever. Just go to bed." She hissed and slammed the door. I waited until the thumping sound of her slippers faded away.

As she left, I sighed in relief and stood up. I winced a little, feeling the pain come back to me. Maybe I should put the album away. I carefully put the album under my pillow, and crawled back into bed. My heart was still racing inside of my chest as I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep.

"Shinya, Shinya wake up!"

I opened my eyes and groaned in sleepiness. My head hurt and all I wanted to do was sleep. Mahiru was standing at my bed smiling. She was wearing a white dress and had a facefull of makeup on that could have covered Asia.

"What are you wearing?!" I asked totally confused, it looked as if she was getting married. Wait. Married?

"Oh Shinya," Mahiru laughed. "Did you have amnesia or something?"

"What?!" At this point I was totally confused.

"Silly! Guren and I are getting married!"

The scene vanished and I was standing next to Mahiru. We were inside a church decorated with flowers of all sorts. Many people of whom I know at school were sitting on the benches. It looked like any other ceremony. All the guests turned around and stared at me. I turned to my side and realized that they weren't staring at me, but at Mahiru.

A veil covered her face and on both of her cheeks, red blotches were forming. Honestly, she looked like a clown with all that makeup. I tried hard not to grimace when the music began playing. She then pointed to my hand. I was holding her bouquet of flowers. Colorful tulips and roses with thorns so sharp that when I looked at it, I had an urge to grab one of the roses and stab Mahiru's eye with a thorn. My hand obeyed her, while my head screamed no.

I watched as she hooked her arm around my arm and we slowly walked down the sparkling aisle. People turned to look at Mahiru. They smiled. Some were crying. Probably tears of joy. As we passed a some of Mahiru's friends, they started whispering.

"Ew. I can't believe Shinya is the only person that Mahiru could choose." The blonde hair girl, whispered obviously annoyed.

"I know right. I don't think he will ever get married." Another girl with curly hair sneered.

I ignored them completely and turned my attention to the groom. Ah, Guren. It almost felt as if we were getting married. He looked so handsome with his suit and tie. I wanted to wrap my arms around Guren and hug him. I was about to go up to him, but Mahiru pulled me back. It suddenly hit me that I would never be able to marry anyone, even Guren. I tried again to break free from her grip, but no matter how hard I tried she kept pulling me back.

Guren, Guren, Guren.....


Author's Note:

I am so sorry for not updating! I've been having writers block and I still have it. I really hope you understand so if this chapter turned out to be crap, I apologize. I just couldn't let my readers suffer through the pain of waiting!

Thanks for the support!

-Maya Nordin

(Gureshin) I wasn't made for him. He was made for meWhere stories live. Discover now