Senior Year~1

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≪ Shinya's P.O.V ≫

I was sitting outside on our front porch when I saw a car drive into our driveway. Surprisingly it was one of those nice cars with a removable rooftop. It looked new and shiny. I wondered who would come out of it. Probably some rich guy or something. I gasped a little when the door opened and a teenager came out; Guren Ichinose.

His black hair swayed gently in the breeze while his purple eyes stared me down while a smirk washed over his lips. He was so handsome wearing a black and white tuxedo and a black tie. I was utterly speechless. The question was why was he here? He is the most popular boy in school and the biggest f**k boy I've ever met. All the girls go crazy when they see him.

That's when my older sister, Mahiru ran out the door wearing her prom dress. Then I remembered that it was prom and that all the girls I asked out rejected me. I didn't feel like going without a date so I just decided to stay at home and watch Netflix or something. My sister had told me that she was going to go with someone special but I didn't know that it was going to be this special! It's GUREN ICHINOSE FOR GODS SAKE!!!

Mahiru waved to me as she got into the car and they sped away. Jesus. She was so damn lucky. AND she told me that she had been dating the person she was going to go to prom with for 4 months. 4 MONTHS. 4 MONTHS OF GUREN ICHNOSE. He's so amazing. Even all the gay guys at our school are in love with him.

I realized my mouth was still hanging open as they left. I quickly closed it hoping that Guren didn't notice. I groaned and went back inside to sit on my computer and watch YouTube. Boring me.

That night my sister never came home. I already knew that she was at Guren's having the time of her life and losing her virginity to him. Oh joy, hopefully she doesn't become pregnant.

From that day on, I already knew that this wouldn't be the last time I ever would encounter Guren. Oh no this wasn't going to be the last time.

→~a few months later~←

≪ Shinya's P.O.V ≫

"Shinya! Get up! Guren's picking me up today so I don't want to be late!" My sister, Mahiru called from the other room. "You're taking the bus!"

My eyes flashed open and I realized my alarm was till on. "Beep, beep, beep.." I checked the time as I turned it off.


Shit. I overslept and today was the first day is senior year. My final year of high school. I got up very quickly and pulled on some jeans, a dirty t-shirt and a hoodie that were lying on the floor. Pretty much my clothes from yesterday. I didn't have time to brush my teeth, so I just grabbed my backpack and slipped in a piece of gum so that my breath would at least smell nice.

I got downstairs and saw that my sister was already heading out. I sighed. I glanced through the window and saw Guren with his fancy car wishing that I could be my sister instead of taking the stupid bus. I grabbed my school supplies and shoved it in my backpack. Honestly school wasn't a big deal for me. I put on my shoes quickly and walked out of the house, locking the door behind me.

I literally had to rush to the bus to get there. The bus was already leaving by the time I was running the last couple of feet. The bus driver is very strict and very on time so just as I got to the stop, he stepped on the gas pedal and left. I groaned. I knew I was going to be late for school now. Ugh, so much for good impression.


"Mr. Hiragi. You're late." I sighed reluctantly as I walked into my first period class.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I sat down at a desk and stared at the white board.

After a few minutes of the teacher explaining classroom rules, I decided that I had enough and took out a book to read. Then I realized that if I was going to read, I would need my glasses. Last year, I noticed that whenever I read, the words were a bit blurry so I had to get glasses to see. It sucked, because every time I put on my glasses snickers would fill the room and the whispering would begin.

I decided it was best not to read so I put my book down and stared back at the teacher bored of of my mind. I wonder how it was going with my sister. She is a straight A student. All the teachers love her, all my classmates love her and mostly everyone who meets her loves her. I get why Guren would like her.

Being her brother sucked. I am the biggest loser in school. My grades are literally either C, D or F. How could life get any worse? I have no friends and everyone ignores me. I am always the last person anybody would choose in P.E for a team sport, I've never gone on a date, I've never been liked by a girl and I don't belong anywhere except at home, on my computer, watching YouTube and shutting out the world that is called reality. Every heard of that? Well it sucks. Reality sucks.

"Please make sure your parents sign this and give it to me by tomorrow." The teacher said and gave us each a slip of paper. Like hell I was going to sign that. I groaned and slipped the paper into my bag, not even caring if it got lost. The bell rung and we were off to our next class.


Finally! It was lunchtime. I was walking down the hallway into the cafeteria which was already packed with people. As I lined up to get my lunch, I glanced over at my sister's table where Guren and all his friends sat. She was so lucky that she had friends.

"Yo! Hurry up!" A guy behind me pushed me to the front of the line. I ignored him as I got my lunch. Pizza and milk. Screw the milk part, but I love pizza.

I looked around for somewhere to sit. Every Time I neared a table, people would spread their arms or legs out knowing that I was looking for a spot. I sighed, giving up and sat on the floor, in the corner. I hoped nobody could see me, but I knew people could. Everyone kept glancing over at me and laugh with their friends. For me this was what I call normal.

The lunch bell rang and so there I sat eating my pizza while everyone went out to do their thing. I ate quietly and after awhile I lost my appetite and threw my food away. I was about to the library to get on a computer when the loud speaker turned on;

"Shinya Hiragi and Guren Ichinose, please come to the office. Shinya Hiragi and Guren Ichinose." Then it clicked off.

Crap. Why me?


Authors note;
Thank you so much for reading this!
This is my first time making a Gureshin fanfic so I hope you enjoy!

If you were reading the Tokyo Ghoul xreader, I won't be continuing that, sorry. Please no hard feelings.

Anyways, I really hope you'll enjoy this! 😅
It would be really nice if you commented or something!


Maya Nordin

(Gureshin) I wasn't made for him. He was made for meWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt