Access All Areas - chapter one

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It's the end of a busy week, and my week is about to get a whole lot busier. Usually I am full of the joys of Spring, come a late Friday afternoon. Only, this Friday is very different. This Friday, I'm meeting the American pop sensation, Rhys Ryan.

I know, I know, I should be bouncing on my heels with uncontainable excitement, right?

WRONG! Sooooo very wrong.

Yes, he's currently the hottest guy on the planet.

Yes, he's got the moves.

Yes, he can really sing.

And yes, every magazine and chat show want him.

Which is where I totally come in. I am one of the more experienced entertainment journalists for Fame-Us, a monthly high-end celebrity glossy that's based in London. I have been behind some of their biggest and best celeb stories because I'm rather good at what I do.

I am usually more than happy to take on any job that my boss, Dex, dangles in front of me...until this Rhys Ryan interview, that is.

So why exactly am I less than enthusiastic about this interview? Okay, I'll tell you why. Rhys Ryan, that's why.

He's allegedly rude.

He's allegedly obnoxious.

He's allegedly difficult.

He's allegedly a playboy.

Quite frankly, he's allegedly a brilliant bastard.

There is absolutely no doubt that the guy can sing and dance, he certainly has that all-important X factor. Unfortunately, if the rumours are true, he is going to be a big pain in my journalist ass. You see, he and journalists have a bit of a love/hate relationship. If he likes you, you get a good Rhys Ryan interview. If he doesn't, you get a bad Rhys Ryan interview. And his relationship with the paparazzi is even worse. I can't even tell you how many times that guy has had some kind of altercation with them. He seems to have no patience for the paps, and they feed off his intolerance of them by annoying the hell out of him at every possible opportunity.

Now I'm no fool, I know how intrusive the press can be. I also know how the paps can intentionally tick off their targets just to get that much-needed shot of them. Sounds hypocritical, right? What with me being a journalist and all that. But I only speak from experience. I have been doing this job long enough to not believe in everything I see and hear. I personally don't like to work that way. That isn't who I am as a journalist. Which is why I chose to work at Fame-Us. We only print the truth, not sensationalised half-truths. What we see and hear, is exactly what we print. Any story that's printed is done so with the full backing of the celebrities involved. And I think it's on account of our respected reputation that Dex was able to secure this big interview with Rhys Ryan. It really is a fantastic coup for Fame-Us and shall no doubt please our loyal readers no end. I only wish that my boss had asked someone else to do it. I mean, it's not like he was short of eager-beaver volunteers or anything. Most of the girls in the office were absolutely gutted that they didn't get to be up close and personal with the mega pop star. But according to my boss, I'm his top girl, so I should get the top interview. If I'm honest, I kind of feel a little guilty for not being more excited about the whole thing. I know I should be absolutely delighted about being the one who has this exclusive 'access all areas' for two whole days with the chart-topping celeb. Believe me, if it was with someone like Adam Levine, I would so be in dire need of some clean and sexy underwear...but this job is with Rhys Ryan, a pouty little teen idol.

Don't get me wrong, he is hot. But for me, he is too clean-cut hot.

24-years-young kind of hot. Anyone beyond the age of twenty that is seen drooling over him is branded a cougar. So cougars everywhere, tell everyone that it's only his music that they love. Then there are all the 'difficult' rumours about him. I have actually spoken with some people who are very much in the know, and apparently all the rumours are indeed true about him. As globally huge as he is, unfortunately, so is his immature ego. So as cute as he may well be, I can't help but feel a little guarded about meeting him.

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