RN | ONE (pt. 3)

Começar do início

Using his pocket knife, I cut into his shoe and peeled back the layers of padding. Underneath, I found two keys joined together with a single circular keychain.

"You got lucky," I told him. I bent down and picked up the chain attached to his handcuffs. "Now, let's see if this even works."

Rushing to the nearest door, with him trailing behind me, I inserted one key at a time until I got the perfect match. Once I heard the satisfying click of the door unlocking, I turned the doorknob and entered the room.

"Told ya," Connor said, standing behind me as I surveyed the small room. "The surveillance guys didn't come in today."

I didn't respond as I took in every feature of the room and committed it to memory. The walls were lined with different kinds of television and computer screens, of all sizes and shape. Three long tables trailed around the room. Strewn across them were wires, keyboards, and all kinds of computer and surveillance equipment. The only oddity was the black screens. Everything had been turned off, and on the floor above, I had not seen a single camera. What does this mean? I questioned, but since this was not a priority, I let it slide for the time being.

Half-sprinting, I rushed to the other room. Connor struggled to keep up with me, given his handcuffs, but did not trail too far behind. Separating the key that I had already used, I unlocked the door with the second one and shoved it open. It, too, was empty.

"This is the food storage," Connor said as he entered behind me.

There were cabinets hanging on the walls, on all four sides. Underneath them were kitchen tables, with fancy countertops. It looked less like a food storage room for a gang and more like the kitchen of a wealthy household, minus the kitchen appliances. Only a microwave and a coffee-maker was present, but they looked brand new. Untouched and clean. There were no weapons laying around, either. Only canned foods and nonperishable items.

"Ya should've believed me," he said, but from the vagueness of it, I couldn't tell if he was talking about the lack of other men on the floor or his advice in the stairwell. "Ya just wasted time."

I frowned. "It's never a waste of time to double-check." Being meticulous, after all, had always saved my neck before.

"Can ya tell me now? Who are ya? And why are ya here?" he asked, throwing one question after another my way.

I ignored him as I walked out of the room. After killing three men, I had finally reached my goal. All that was stopping me from entering the electricity room was a keypad with a lock code. I turned around to face Connor. "What's the code?"

This time, he was useful. He scratched the side of his head, and bit his lip, before remembering it. "Oh—yeah! It's 3-2-0-9. That's the date they set up shop in this shitty building."

I entered the number and watched as the keypad blinked green. The door was unlocked. Pulling the door handle, I entered the room. It was only large enough for one person to stand, and it had all kinds of bells and whistles that surpassed my knowledge. I searched my bag for my night-vision glasses. Taking them out, I placed them on the edge of my forehead.

"Don't freak out," I told him as he quizzically watched me move around the room, fumbling with the knobs and switches. "And...whatever you do...don't scream."

He gulped, his throat constricting. From behind his collar, I could see his collar bones jutting out, protruding his flesh. Without warning him, then, I turned off the electricity supply of the building. The lights did not shut off all together, in one giant sweep of darkness. Instead, it was like dominos falling, one by one. Surrounded by darkness, I pulled down the glasses over my mask and turned them on. Now, I had the upper hand.

The Rules Of RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora