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The majority wanted this. 

"Your chewing is so annoying, can you maybe shush?" I asked, lightly kicking Josh.

He locked eyes with me and chewed loudly again, just to annoy me. 

"Dude, come on! That's so gross!" I laughed. 

"Yeah, well, I don't care so," He shrugged to finish his sentence. 

Rolling my eyes, I took out my phone to check Instagram. 

joshuadun mentioned you in a comment

I quickly shot a glare at Josh before tapping the notification. 

The comment read, 'Remind you of anyone? @tylerrjoseph'. He'd tagged me in a video of a goat eating someone's sweater sleeve and chewing on it obnoxiously afterwards.

I rolled my eyes and replied to his comment. '@joshuadun Yeah, there's a goat-like person sitting in front of me.'

His phone pinged after I sent the comment and his eyebrows furrowed after reading it. He then looked up at me and laughed, kicking me lightly. 

"I am not a goat!"

"Okay, maybe not, but you chew like one!"

We both started laughing, until Mark walked into the room to tell us we were at the next venue.

"5 hours for sound and you guys to get ready." He told us, looking at his phone. "Go get ready."

"Yes, mother." Josh mumbled, standing up, me laugh again.

Mark rolled his eyes, getting off the bus.


As I lightly applied the black paint to my neck, Blurry started walking around behind me. 

"I can hear you, you know." I grumbled, putting more paint on the bush.

"Yeah, yeah,"

"Why're you here anyways?" 

"Why not?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around to face him. "Seriously, why're you here? Why now?"

"Just to annoy you."

"You do that everyday. I mean, why can I see you tonight instead of just hearing you?"

He shrugged, sitting on the small table by the couch. "Guess you're extra anxious about something."

"You don't usually show up when I'm anxious. Just tell me why you're here."

"I wanted to see you preform. You've really gone downhill since Jenna's been gone." He cocked an eyebrow as he spoke.

My eyes widened as he said her name, then annoyance set in, making my eyes narrow. "I have not. She doesn't influence how I preform."

"She seems to when you play Tear in My Heart."

"That's cause its about her."

"If you miss her so much, why don't you just call her?"

"She's not gonna want to talk to me."

"No one does. Just call her." A sly smirk made its way across his face as he spoke, kinda like he knew something was gonna happen.

I narrowed my eyes at him again, slowly taking out my phone. "You know something I don't, don't you?"

He shrugged again, that stupid smirk still on his face.

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