chap 23: taking care of kids

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*5 months later*

Yn's POV

our baby stayed in the hospital for 2 whole months cause he was premature I was 6 months pregnant and didn't even know it, Chres and I are literally roommates, we dont kiss, we don't cuddle, nothing we still have sex because we have both have needs and neither of us wanna just go out and fuck someone else see how that turned out the last time we did that, but fuck the sex I want my man back like now, and Ethic and Lorenz go back to school today

me: *smacks Chres while breast feeding Jaemoni*

Chres: *looks at clock* its 7 in the fucking morning, what?

me: I'm tired of this Chres I want my ring back, and I want us to be together

Chres: we can be together, but the ring I'm not giving it back yet you still need to work on your attitude 

me: *pulls bra up burping Jaemoni and getting out the bed*

Chres: where are you going?

me: no where *walks out room into Jaemonis room*

I take and outfit out his closet and set it on the side of his crib and I go into the bathroom putting him in his baby tub and washing him up he starts crying

me: ik baby, mommy's sorry *wraps him in his baby towel* Chres!

Chres: what!?

me: go wake them up, you need to get up to, you got court today

Chres: *walks out room going upstairs*

I get Jaemoni dressed and lay him in his baby swing and I go upstairs and get Kaevons cloths picked out and she gets dressed

Chres: you seen Ethics black grapes?

me: downstairs by the door *runs Down stairs into kitchen* Hey you didn't have to make breakfast I was gonna do it

breeze: go lay down for a minute 

Chres's POV

we got 5 kids in one house, I'm glad breeze lives here to help me when Yn's at work, cause I cannot deal with Jaemoni, Khalid & Kaevon at once especially Kaevon, I be wanting to yell at her so bad, but I don't cause ik she's gonna cry and she's not gonna stop until I give her all my attention which rarely happens so she gets mad at me and goes in her room and messes shit up, and when Yn gets home and sees that shit I get yelled at for the bullshit

me: *signs to Ethic* go eat breakfast

Ethic: *signs back* I'm not hungry

me: *signs* what's wrong?

Ethic: *signs shaking his head* nothing I wanna talk about

me: *signs* alright, I'm not gonna make you talk, go ahead and watch tv or play the game *goes into Lorenzs room* go eat breakfast

Lorenz: dad

me: yea

Lorenz: can I have a girlfriend?

me: renz I don't care, don't tell yo mom you got a girlfriend though

Lorenz: thanks dad

me: mhm hurry up and eat its almost time for you to go

I go downstairs into me and Yn's room to get dressed and she's laying down sleeping

me: Yn you gotta get up baby

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