Chap 25

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Everyone came over to Gloria's Soda and Steve had just finished their shift and Darry was off for another few days we were all talking in the living room with Martha and Cap. Bull still hadn't come back but Martha said he always does before dark. "I'm going to go to the shop King needs food" Gloria announced grabbing her keys and wallet then leaving. "Gloria ever tell you guys about Chicago?" Martha honeyed playing with the small gold necklace she had on "Not much only stuff her and Sam told" Darry said stretching out on the armchair "How long you all known Gloria" Martha questioned raising a perfect arched eyebrow her green eyes squinted a little before going back to their almond-shaped " About a month and a half maybe" Soda replied trying throw chip into Steve's mouth from across the living-room "That doesn't make sense" Cap spoke up looking at Martha she nodded slowly "Yea she's gone for 5 months but you guys only known her for about 2" Martha puzzled "Guess I'll just have to try to get that out of her" She sighed "Have ya seen Gloria kick off yet?" Cap had a small smile on we all nodded "Yea really loud she is when she kicks off and lashes out" Dally smirked looking Martha up and down she caught him doing so but Dally being Dally he winked "You can stop that because I only like men not little boys" she said eyebrows knitting together briefly Dally didn't say anything he just glared then decided his cigarette was more important. "Then you haven't seen Gloria truly lose it. We've practically known her for her whole life and we've only seen her lose it 3 times" Martha continued her eyes went cloudy as she told us this "It's not pretty seeing her like that. She took that after her parents and boy were they proud" Cap jumped into the conversation "Then what she like when she really 'loses it'" Pony questioned Me and Pony really liked hearing Gloria stories they were always filled with fun and adventurous but she wouldn't say much. "I'll tell you this a quiet Gloria is more dangerous than a loud one.."Cap said slowly and quietly "I'll tell you a time when Gloria lost it for the first time," Martha said with a blank expression.

Gloria- Age 12-

We were all walking through an alley it was a shortcut to the school Gloria and Cap went to "He-help" a very quiet voice said then coughing could be heard we continued to walk down till we found the source of the voice a girl maybe around 17 was laying curled up her clothes ripped shreds and covered in blood "What happened to you" Cap panicked Gloria quickly helped the girl up "I was walking than a hood grabbed me" the girl began crying "Hood? Do you remember what the hood looked like?"Gloria said slowly we began walking to the hospital Gloria practically carrying the girl. The girl described the hood and we knew instantly who it was Gloria was so disgusted that it was someone from the gang Ox his name was dangerous hood he was did everything. As soon we got the girl to the hospital we told her we be back later and we all stormed over to Gloria's house where the gang would be "Hey baby girl shouldn't you be at school?" Gloria's dad said getting up from the couch "What's wrong?" Her mum said looking at Gloria closely Gloria's face remained to blank her eyes empty but you could feel the anger seep  out of her she pointed at Ox " He raped a 17-year-old girl" she said quietly but clearly the Gang all snapped their head to look at Ox he was 16 with reddish hair tanned skin and brown eyes. "You did what" Gloria's dad growled cracking his knuckles Ox looked around nervously just as Dan Gloria's dad name was about punch Ox in the face she stepped in "No I'm doing this," she said her voice remaining low. before Dan could say anything Gloria was already beating the guy using anything she could get her hands on everyone watched as a 12-year-old beat a 16-year-old to death. She threw him at the table breaking it he laid there gasping for air his hands on his neck where Gloria had cut his throat when she smashed plates at him. He choked on his own blood the house wrecked broken chairs, table, plates and broken bones. What scared me the most was that the 12-year-old girl remained silent during this her face blank as if she was bored. Her knuckles were bleeding badly. Everyone was stunned "You're definitely our kid" her dad grinned proudly bringing his baby girl into a hug.

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