Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood :D.

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Dear Victoria,

     I still remember that day. We had been bestfriends in first grade. Halfway through the year, on a friday, we sat outside in the car pool line for one last time. The Monday after, you have moved to Arizona and I went to a new school. I still regret not taking your email on that Friday, I was only 7 and told you I didn't want it because you were being a horrible bestfriend by leaving. The last I heard you moved back here & even though I only knew you for a short period of time, you were my bestfriend & you always will be. I mean we learned sign language together :D. We were some hip first graders. I miss you & maybe someday we'll meet again in the future[: .

xoxo Katarina.

30 Day Writing Challenge :D.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang