Day 5 - Your Dreams :D.

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I'm not exactly sure if I'm suppossed to right to the dreams I have for myself or the dreams I have it my head so, I'm going to right to the dreams in my head because that would be pretty cool :D.

Dear Dreams,    

     Dreams? There's something I'd like to know.Why exactly do you pop into my head? & How do you create images for me that I can see. I've always wondered if dreams were related to emotions, feelings, everything about you. That's the only way I can explain to myself why I have dreams that seem so real, because they're based off my feelings.

     & I get showing images for me when I'm sleeping but, why when I'm awake? You know how to drown all sound out and show me that picture, even with my eyes open. Some of the dreams you show me I love and wish they'd never end but, why show me something where I'm about to die?

     What was the point of showing my friend pushing me off the side of a space station and dying? Weird dream.. What did a space station have to do with anything? I mean really. Sometimes you should use your dream magic and try not to give me such stupid dreams. Give me something I'll actually wanna watch while I'm sleeping or don't send me anything at all.

xoxo Katarina .

30 Day Writing Challenge :D.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang