Day 16 - Someone Who's Not In Your State :D.

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  • Dedicated to Jenna and Sabrina ; The Hotdogs[x .

Dear Jenna & Sabrina,

     I met both of you on here and you're both some pretty chill people. Oh & i'm writing your letters together because I'm far too lazy to make two xD. I'm soo bored right now -.- & I get violated tomorrow, AHHHH HELP ME DX! Eeeeeeerm so you guys are older than me , yeah random facts up in this fo - shizzle[x . Oh Sabrina just admitted to me she lied about not lying xD. Thought I'd throw that in here, hey why not? So, how's it going my hotdogs? Yeah , you're both hotdogs :p! Well, I guess I'm gonna end this now or maybe I won't who knows lol. Eeeeeeeeeerm no, I'm gonna end it[x ! Byebyes hotdogs ;D.

xoxo Katarina.

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