'Don't worry Harry. You'll be okay. You just summone your broom and then it will all be okay.'

If Harry was nervous, Hermione certainly was. 'I know Hermione. Thanks for repeating.'

Hermione sighed. 'I just want you to be alive after you met that dragon,' she said worried. 'Calm down Hermione, he'll manage it. Come on, he let you-know-who dissapear,' Chantry said.

'Thanks for your positivity, Chantry,' said Harry, smirking at her. 'Any time.'

'Okay, but a dragon is three times bigger than Harry. Maybe four times,' Hermione braught up.

'Honestly Hermione, don't you ever get sick of yourself?' asked Ron. Hermione slapped his arm. 'Shut up Ronald! You should be a bit more worried about your best friend.'

'Oh, I am worried,' said Ron, smirking. 'It's not funny!' said Hermione.

'No offence, but it is very funny,' I said. Ron nodded and smirked at me. I grinned too.

When we arrived at the stadium, Harry had to join the other champions, and we took a seat in the stadium. It was immense and very busy, as students of three schools and teachers had all gathered in this stadium. There were not enough seats, so a lot of students had to stand.

After a  quarter or something, Bartemius Crouch opened the Tournament. 'The first task is designed to test your daring; Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard. Today the champions will need to retrieve a golden egg, guarded by a dragon. Good luck champions. Let's start with our champion from Durmstrang... Viktor Krum!'

Everybody leaned over the barriers from the tribunes to see Krum entering the arena.

'There he is!' said Ron, excited. 'Why are you so excited about Krum?' I asked. 'He's a bloody good Seeker. Plays in the Bulgarian Quidditch team. Saw him in the final of the Quidditch World Cup this summer,' he explained, his eyes glued on the arena.

Krum had entered the arena and was now trying to fight the dragon with magic, but it didn't really succeed. In the meanwhile, all spectators were holding their breaths and gazing at him.
I saw Fred and George Weasley talking with different people and shaking hands. They would be doing bets, I thought. 

After Krum had retrieved his egg by blinding the dragon with a charm, it was Fleur Delacours turn.

'Ron fancies her,' said Hermione to me and I smirked. I could believe why: she was beautifull and had long, blond silky hair.

'I don't think she's that pretty,' she added. I smirked.

'I do think she's pretty, but she looks a bit too serious for Ron, don't you think?'

'She certainly is too serious for him.' I could hear a curious undertone in Hermione's voice. Was she jealous? I decided not to mention it and looked back at Fleur and the dragon.

After what looked like ages, she had finally managed to make the dragon sleep, and after her skirt was set on fire, she, too, retrieved her egg.

Then it was Cedric Diggory's turn. 'I bet he has it done in a second,' Ron muttered. Ron was correct. Faster than Fleur and Krum, Cedric retrieved his egg by tranfiguring a rock into a stone, distracting the dragon.

Lastly, Harry entered the arena and Hermione took a deep breath. After a while Harry didn't seem to do anything that looked liked summoning his Firebolt, and Hermione beated the barrier, yelling at him. 'Your wand Harry! Your wand!'

Harry had heard that, and pointed his wand in the air. 'Accio Firebolt!'

After a minute his broomstick flew towards him and he jumped on it, as he flew away with the dragon chasing him.

Chasing Time  (Seamus Finnigan)Where stories live. Discover now