11|| Zayn

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Imagine :

"I'm so freaking done, Zayn! I can't cope with this anymore! You're never —" you yell at Zayn, your boyfriend, who's mostly the most amazing person ever but lately he's been so different. He was never like this, and you were wondering what you had done wrong to make him act so differently towards you.

"Babe, I'm so so sorry. I never meant to do this..." he cuts you off.

"No, Zayn. No. I'm tired of all this trash. So so tired of this."

"Love –" he begins, but you don't listen. Instead, you run up to the bedroom you both share and start dumping your stuff into a small bag. You needed time to think this over. You needed some space, and you knew that Zayn wouldn't be able to give that to you right now, so you decided to back to your house for a few days. Just to mull over everything and come back to your senses.

On the way down, you meet Zayn. He looked so upset, that all you wanted to do was hug him, but you had to think this over first.

"Y/n, please, just listen to me –"

"Bye, Zayn," you whisper, and leave the apartment, closing the door silently behind you.


It's been two since you left Zayn, and you've realised just how much you love him, so you take your phone out to apologise. But before you can, the doorbell rings and you sigh. The pizza man you'd called earlier had finally arrived.

When you opened the door, however, it wasn't the pizza man. It was Zayn.

"Hi, y/n," he whispers. You can tell he's really nervous, and that makes you love him even more. He's got flowers in his hand; tulips, your favourite, and his hazel eyes look imploringly into yours."I'm sorry,"

Why must he make this so difficult to even look at him. Every time I look into those beautiful brown eyes my heart just melts and all I want to do is break down because God, he's such an angel.

"Me too," you sniff, feeling really touched by his sweet gesture.

"Cm'ere," he says, and brings you closer to him. You cry softly in his chest, feeling so loved and stupid for being such an idiotic ass.

"Babe, I wanna make up to you. There's a fair not too far from here, and I know you absolutely love fairs. You wanna go?" he murmurs in your hair.

"Yeah!" you reply, nodding  enthusiastically.

"Great. Get dressed and then we'll leave,"

"Okay," you reply , and run upstairs to get ready.


"Oh my God, the view is so beautiful!" you exclaim, looking out of the window of the small cabin of the Ferris wheel you and Zayn were seated in. "Zayn, look!"

"Yes, but not as beautiful as the view in front of me," he smiles at you.

Two spots of crimson appear on your cheeks. "You're so cheesy," you say laughing.

"But you know you like it," he murmurs, pressing your back against the window.

You don't reply, but instead you lean up to kiss him, your arms wrapping around his neck.

Zayn kisses back passionately. Oh god, someone kill me, this is too much for me to handle right now. He places his hands on the window of the Ferris Wheel. The pressure is too much though, because the window cracks and you fall down and die.

He just killed me. Next time, be careful what you wish for.


My imagines are so crazy, think I'm going to go to the therapist or something.

SO ANYWAY, if you enjoyed this crazy weird af imagine, PLEASE vote and comment.

Can we please, please, please get this chapter to 20 votes and 12 comments so that we can publish the next one?💞

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