7|| One Direction

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You are on tour with the One Direction boys as their hair stylist and you enjoy every single minute of it. You get along well with all them and most of the time you can't help but notice, they really like you. They're always trying to impress you by doing crazy ass stuff which made you feel so special.

"Harry, I love your hair," you say to him, stroking it gently.

"Thanks y/n, I only trust you with my hair," Harry says to you. You can feel Louis glaring at the both of you for no apparent reason.

"It's getting quite hot here, don't you think?" Louis says, taking off his shirt and throwing it across the room which made you and Harry choke on your non existent sandwiches. (Why do I always end up writing about food omg)


"Er, yeah. Harry it looks like we're done with your hair and I'm getting late for my yoga class," you say, motioning towards your watch.

"You don't even do yoga" Louis says to you, a huge smirk planted on his face.

"Just joined. Getting really late. I love you both, byee" you say to them and try to run out of the room but accidentally slip on Louis' t-shirt. When you get up, a bruise the size and color of a watermelon is already forming on your head and you literally run from the damn place, feeling extremely foolish.

When you're finally outside, you sit on the ground and see Niall, Zayn and Liam coming towards you.

"You look beautiful today," Liam says to you.

"Thanks Liam, so what are you plans for today?" you ask him.

"I'm free the whole day. Would you like to go out for lunch with me," he asks.

"No, you're not. You just told me that you have an interview to go to with Harry," Zayn says, interrupting him. "Though, I'm not doing anything if-"

"We're both busy, bye," Liam says and drags Zayn by the arm.

You're left alone with Niall who seems too busy in his own thoughts to care about what had just happened. Niall was the only one out of all of them who didn't crush over you so it was easier hanging out with him then it was with the rest of the boys.

"So y/n, is it okay if I ask you something?" Niall says to you.

"Sure," you reply.

"Do you, uh know where the bread field is?"

"Wait, what, why?" you say looking completely bewildered.

"It's just - nothing," he replies mumbling and leaves. What is wrong with that kid, oh my god,

All of this was making your head hurt so you go to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

While you're making your coffee, Louis, Harry, Liam and Zayn come inside and before you completely lose your shit, you them them to go away.

"Guys, please, could you all please stop fighting over me, it's getting quite annoying these days," you say to them.

They are a couple of seconds of silence and then Liam speaks up.

"I'm gay," he says, closing his eyes and blushing.

"Same," Louis, Harry and Zayn said which made you very confused.

"Wait what, are y'all just happy or-" you say to them.

"I realised I like Louis a lot because whenever he flirted with you, I got jealous," Harry said, looking down at his shoes.

You look surprised but aren't too shocked because you wished for this to happen and secretly shipped all of them together.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" you say to them, hugging all of them.

"I FOUND THE BREAD," Niall says running in to the kitchen and joining the group hug. "Oh, and I'm gay too!"


A/N: WOOOOO! I actually loved writing this imagine, I love them so much. If you liked this imagine, PLEASE VOTE ANND COMMENT.


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