12. Music Partners & Music Duos

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Music Partners & Music Duos


Three Years Later

"So you're telling me," Austin paused as he gently let go of Ally's hand, "that you'll fire me if I don't break up with Ally?" Austin repeated, getting a sure nod back from Jimmy Starr. The man had signed Austin exclusively to his label over three years before, and now, he was pulling out of the deal simply because of the relationship Austin and Ally had. "But we've been dating the entire-"

"I know how long your been together, Austin, and I know that you've been dating since I've signed you." Jimmy interrupted surely as he rode up from his chair. Trish and Dez were just outside the room, the both no doubt having their ears pressed right up against the door. Jimmy had wanted this meeting to be between only himself, Austin, and Ally. A private meeting, dealing with a matter so stupid in Austin's mind. "But the media didn't find out about your relationship until six months ago. Since then, record sales have been down." Jimmy continued, clasping his hands together in front of himself. "Potential buyers, your fanbase of millions of teenage girls, don't like seeing you in a relationship."

"If they're really my fans they should support me-"

"That's not how it works Austin." Jimmy cut him off a second time. Austin shook his head before glancing back at Ally. The girl had been silent throughout the entire meeting. Despite having conquered her stage fright just over a year ago, the girl was still shy around people like Jimmy. Austin couldn't blame her in the moment though. Jimmy had a way of being a pompous ass.

"So that's just it then?" Austin asked once more. "Either we break up, or I lose my contract?" Jimmy nodded, the man reaching forward to pick up a single piece of paper.

"Ally's contract as a songwriter is up. She's free to go." Jimmy relayed quickly. "But your's isn't up for another few weeks. You can make your deduction between now and then. Take all the time you need." Jimmy sighed before setting the paper back down on the desk.

"No." Austin shook his head quickly. "I don't need any time. I quit." Austin affirmed, feeling every eye in the room on him within seconds of his words.

"What?!" Jimmy and Ally asked in synch. It had taken the both of them by storm. Not once did either Jimmy nor Ally ever think Austin would quit.

"Austin, you can't quit." Ally tried, the girl crossing her arms over her chest surely. "This is your dream."

"Well maybe you're my new dream." Austin sighed before looking back to Jimmy. "My contract with you may not be up for another few weeks, but I can deal with that. All you can do is ban me from making music for that time. And You were going to fire me if I didn't break up with Ally, anyways. So I'll save you the trouble." Austin nodded as he reached out and grabbed onto Ally's hand once again. "I'll quit, Jimmy. And I'm sure I can find another label that would love to sign me and Ally. Even if we're a couple." Austin finished before pulling Ally back out into the hallway with him.

The two ran directly into their best friends, Trish and Dez having to jump away from the door upon it opening. The short Latina and the tall red head held worried smiles on their faces as Austin and Ally closed the door behind them. The four stayed completely silent as they made their way down the hall and away from Jimmy Starr's office. No one, wanted Jimmy to overhear their conversation.

The four continued on as they reached the main area of the floor, Dez finally taking it upon himself to speak up. "I can't believe you guys just quit." Dez finally breathed as the four continued on towards the elevators. Trish nodded along, Austin reaching out to hit the down button as he let his right arm hang around Ally's shoulders.

"I have a plan, though." Austin teased with a sly smirk covering his face. His three best friend turned to face him, all with expectant expressions as the elevator doors slid open for them. Ever since that dream Austin had had so long ago, he had been trying to make sure he did the opposite of what he had done in the dream. In that scenario, Austin had let Ally go without much of a fight. But now, he wasn't about to let her go. His music would find him again, he didn't need Jimmy to do that.

"What is this plan exactly?" Trish wondered aloud as she pressed her fingers against the ground floor button. "Because I had a little one worked up before you said something." She laughed lightly as she leaned back against the elevator walls. Austin shrugged, his eyes scanning over the elevator in thought.

"Ally's conquered her stage fright, and she hasn't been able to get signed because she's been writing for me." Austin started. He could feel Ally look up to him worriedly.

"That's not why I haven't-"

"Yes it is." Austin laughed as he squeezed her shoulders reassuringly. "But now that I'm a free agent too," he stopped with the elevator doors sliding open, "why not have Trish market us as a singing duo?" Austin suggested as the four exited the elevator. Ally's eyes widened with happiness as the four walked on through the lobby. This could work.

"And I could still write songs for you." Ally nodded before Austin jumped ahead to open the door for the group.

"We could sing, and write together. Trish could still be our manager, and Dez could still film our music videos." Austin pointed out, the four walking down the sidewalk and towards Austin's car.

"That's way better than what I had planned." Trish brushed off with a sly smile as the four stopped near the car.

"What was it?" Ally laughed, Trish shrugged off the idea.

"We move back to Miami and you two play in coffee houses until we find someone else to sign you two." Trish smiled. Dez walked over to her side, grabbing onto his girlfriend's hand.

"Yeah." Austin nodded in thought as he pulled out his phone. He had been been hiding an offer from another label for almost a week to the day. He was overjoyed that he was finally able to share it with his friends. "I think being a music duo could really work for us."


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