10. Dreadful Ends & Dream-Worthy Beginnings

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Dreadful Ends & Dream-Worthy Beginnings


Ending the partnership. The very partnership that had kept the two going for more than three years as of today. It was insane, and yet, those words cut through Austin like a knife. Not once had he ever thought he would lose this special bond the two had. He couldn't lose the music he made with Ally. Not now, not ever. He knew that well enough.

"Jimmy." Austin sighed in distress. He could tell Ally had picked up on how he was feeling. He knew she felt exactly the same. "There's no way we're-"

"It's the only way, Austin." Jimmy shook his head, the man reaching behind him and crumbling up the contract he had offered to Ally mere seconds ago. "I can't do anything more for Ally here. She's been offered the chance of a lifetime, and she has to take it. With, or without you." Austin shook his head. How had their little meeting taken such a dark turn? The four had simply come in here to bare good news, or to ask about Austin's next video. Not once had any of the four imagined the meeting could have taken this path. "Consider yourself a free songwriter, Ally." Jimmy nodded as he took his seat once again behind his desk. "I wish you all the luck in this business. You're going to need it."

Austin could see it, the way Ally stopped breathing with Jimmy's words. He knew how hurtful they sounded, and his Ally would take them. But Jimmy was being unreasonable, he wasn't considering all the four, or really all that Ally, had done for him. All that she had done for the company. If Jimmy lost Ally, Austin wouldn't have any songs to sing. He wouldn't just be losing a songwriter today, he would be losing a singer too.

Ally shook her head as she grabbed onto Trish's hand, the two racing out of the office without another word. Austin couldn't let that happen. "Ally, wait!" Austin sighed as he turned on his heel and raced out of the office. The boy couldn't have cared less about what Jimmy thought of the scene he was about to make. He couldn't lose her. "You can't leave!" Austin tried again, calling out to her as he caught sight of his songwriter down the long hallway. Dez followed his best friend out, shutting the door to Jimmy's office and making his way down the hallway along with his four best friends.

The four met up at the end of the hall near the songwriting room Austin and Ally knew all too well. No one, had any intention of breaking this silence. It would have been too much for all of them. So much was running through their heads in the moment. The team was disbanding before their very eyes. Austin let his foot tap against the ground, recognizing the rhythm as one of the songs he and Ally had written together. He shook his head, sucking in a deep breath as he made up his mind.

"I'm not letting you leave." Austin affirmed, the boy crossing his arms over his chest. Ally sighed.

"You're going to have to." Ally said surely, not wanting to waver with her words. If she gave Austin even the slightest bit of hope, it could mess up her exit plan. Quick, and quiet. If she played this any other way, Austin would take it as a chance to fight back against Jimmy. The group didn't need that in the moment.


"Austin." Ally shook her head as she took a step forward. "I can't stay. I'm about to get signed to another label, and Jimmy just dropped me as a songwriter." Ally could feel herself shaking with slight anger at the man down the hall. She had given this place three years of her life. Although it had helped her get to where she was today, she couldn't help but to feel like she had wasted her time.

"Maybe we can work something out-"

"You can't." Trish added in, attempting to get Austin to stop. "It goes against both of your contracts if you write together." She hissed, narrowing her sight in on Austin. "It's over."

"It can't be!" Austin yelled back, the boy practically jumping along with his nerves. He felt on edge, he felt unsettled, he felt as if everything was out of his control. But he only felt this way because those words were true. Everything, was out of his hands. "Can't you teach me how to write songs on the down low?" Austin whispered, leaning in to make sure no one could hear the four's conversation.

Ally huffed out a quick breath, waving his hand towards Austin as she turned on her heel and stalked off in the other direction. Trish and Dez stayed behind, neither one wanting to interrupt as Austin charged after the girl he had loved for so long. "Ally!" He yelled after her, reaching out for her arm before the short songwriter spun back around to him.

"Austin!" She shot back, her breathing unsteady as she stared right back up at him. "It's over. Give it up. I'm leaving." She spelled out simply for him. "I have to leave, Austin." She whispered faintly. Austin shook his head, feeling the room begin to spin as the image of Ally began to get more blurred by the second. "Austin." She whispered again, her words only making it harder for him to see.

"Ally." He muttered, squeezing his eyes shut as he slammed his hand down against something softer than he had expected.

"Austin." She whispered back. "I have to leave."

*. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *

"Austin?" Ally whispered once more, Austin feeling the gentle touch of her fingers on his skin. Her fingers were cool, cool enough to help bring him out of his daze.

"Ally." Austin groaned, feeling a shooting pain hit him in his side as he flipped over. The boy's eyes fluttered open, his sight finally clearing as he looked up at Ally. She was a sight for sore eyes. Not once had Austin ever felt this much pain. The only exclusion being either the moment he got stabbed or the moment he had gotten the stitches. Taking the stitches out had never been that painful, if he recalled correctly.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly, her eyes full of concern. Austin nodded numbly, trying to ignore the pain in his side as he looked around the room.

"Where are we?" He asked, swallowing hard as his eyes scanned over the white room. The chairs, the bed, the television hanging on the wall, the way Ally was dressed... It all looked familiar.

"We're at the hospital." Ally breathed, her eyebrows furrowing with concern. Austin had been fine the night before. Now he was waking up more confused than ever. Not that she hadn't felt this way when she had woken up as well.

"Because I fainted?" He tried as he sat up in the bed, instantly regretting his decision as his hands flew to cover his right side. Ally shook her head as she placed her hands over his own.

"Because Dallas stabbed you." Ally relayed. Austin could feel his heart stopping within his chest. He got stabbed by Dallas? That had happened over three years ago.

"No, that already happened." Austin shook his head, his heart beating quicker and quicker by the minute. This couldn't be right. "Ally, that was three years ago. We live in Los Angeles. I got signed to Starr Records. We broke up and you were dating Gavin and we-"

"I'm going to get a doctor." Ally interrupted him before she pulled her hands away and scurried out of the room. Austin regulated his breathing while keeping his hands pressed into his side. His fingers lined the space where the pain was radiating from, getting the familiar feeling he had from back then. Stitches. There were stitches in his side. Ally was right. None of that had happened. He was at the hospital because of Dallas, not because of fainting at Starr Records.

"Austin Moon." The doctor greeted with a wide smile as he flipped open Austin's file. "I think we can get you on some pain medications now." He nodded surely, ignoring the boys confusion. It had all been a dream. He had made up the whole thing. That was the worst case scenario, though. Now, he had the chance to make things right.


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