8. Double Dates & Dancing - Part 2

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Double Dates & Dancing - Part 2


Austin laughed as he slid back into his chair, attempting to catch his breath. He would be honest in saying he hadn't danced like this for a while. He hadn't danced for fun, in a while. All he had been trained to do since he had come out to Los Angeles was dance on stage. The lights hitting him at every second as the fans screamed his name. But this, was different. A good different, in his book. The others on Team Austin, hadn't exactly had the time to go out and do things like this. Have fun. But with Kirra, things came easy. Almost as easy as things with the group had come when they were in high school.

"Are you having fun?" Kirra called over the loud music. The girl was loud to say the least, but no where near louder than the music. Austin nodded surely, a wide smile forming on his face as he did. He could barely hear himself think, let alone listen to Kirra. If only the DJ would stop the music for two seconds.

"I'm having the best time!" He yelled happily, pushing his hair back and off his forehead. Along with the dancing, came the sweating. He hadn't had a chance to drink any water since the two had gotten to the club, either. This, leaving the pop star feeling more exhausted. Kirra laughed, his new girl reaching out for his hand. She pulled him up off his chair and towards the door, not giving Austin one explanation as to why. "I'm not ready to leave." Austin called over the music, watching as Kirra shook her head.

"I'm not, either." Kirra reassured happily. "I just need some fresh air." Kirra affirmed, pushing through the glass double doors. Austin nodded, following after her like a lost puppy out into the night. The two ended up outside, the humid LA air surprisingly refreshing. Austin gazed around their new surroundings. He hadn't really looked around before the two had gone in. Their dinner spot had been a shock enough, Kirra dragging him into a five star restaurant wearing a black v-neck and ripped skinny jeans. The boy had to rent a blazer just to eat dinner. He sighed as the two leaned back against the brick wall of the club just next to the doors.

"It's so good to get out and do stuff like this." Austin breathed, the people passing by not recognizing him. That in itself, was also a shock. The one and only Austin Moon had signed almost ten autographs while being inside that club. He let out a sigh of relief as Kirra glanced up at him, the girl holding confusion over her face.

"What do you mean?" She laughed. "You're Austin Moon. You go on tour like, three times a year. You record music for a living, and you can go basically anywhere you want." Kirra pointed out smartly. The girl played with her bracelets as the two leaned back against the wall, Austin pushing his hands into his pockets. It was true, Austin could go anywhere he wanted, whenever he wanted. But seeing as other famous recording artists had lost themselves doing just that, he had decided against it many a time. On top of that, he also had no one to go out with. Trish and Dez were practically engaged, Dez's other half still holding an Ally sized grudge against him. Then, there was Ally herself. She had been unapproachable up until recently. He had made a breakthrough, one that he never thought he would come to. He was happy that she had finally came around, yes, but he wished it would have been sooner. Maybe he would be out with Ally tonight instead of Kirra.

He nodded, running his hands through his hair once again as his body began to cool down. "Just because I have the run of the town, doesn't mean that I'm out all the time." Austin kidded, the conversation taking on a more serious tone as the two basked in the silence outside the club. "Kind of sucks to want to go out and have no one to go out with." Austin breathed, his mind sticking on Ally in the moment. He knew there was no shaking Ally, she had always been on his mind. At least for the last three years, she had been. From the moment they had met, he knew there was something different about her. But now, there was Kirra. She should be the one that he can't get off his mind.

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