Broken Heels.

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That boy always left me in complete awe. He always knew the right thing to say and surprised me in every aspect. He had been my crush, but it's no longer a crush. It's uh

friendship. yeah.

The weekend flew past and everyone seemed focused on school work and hadn't been in contact as much. It was just one of those weekends where we went on with our lives, my phone buzzed every now and again. It was either Malia, asking for help on a maths question, Isaac randomly sending pointless memes on the group chat or Scott telling Isaac to shut up.

Everything for once seemed normal, it was finally a cool Sunday afternoon when my phone buzzed.

Stiles: still doing homework?

Me: finished it all Saturday morning why?

I stared at my screen waiting for the typing bubbles from Stiles, but nothing. I squinted and put my phone on charge then opening my laptop and checking emails.

I was waiting for an email to open when I was rattled by a familiar honk.

"you got to be kidding me" I mumbled under my breath before checking my window and there he was.

His eyes scanned my window and gave me a faint smile when he saw my face, I shook my head as if he was in trouble and laughed as I closed my window in disbelief, I grabbed my phone, but some heels on and quickly ran downstairs and locked up the house.

Mum was out for dinner with a friend, I just texted her I'm grabbing food with the guys.

My seatbelt hadn't even clicked before he pulled out of my driveway and starting driving.

My head swung back in shock as I finally clicked my seatbelt.

"Hey?" I said, chuckling but confused.

"Saturday morning? Of course" he also chuckled.

I just laughed as he drove, I got more distracted by the view of the sunset as I placed my head against the window, watching the sky change tones and still maintain it's beauty.

Time was drifting past before it had been 20 minutes and the car was pretty much silent, all you could hear was the wind.

I finally sat up straight and asked him where we were going.

"Well Lydia Martin, you shall see?"

The sky turned black as he kept driving, he had been driving for around an hour and a half until he finally pulled up, it was far from home and very dark.

Went I stepped out of the car I almost fell over, realising I did not pick the correct shoes for this.

I looked past the darkness and listened closely,

"are we, uh are we at a farm?"

I look over my shoulder and he is gone, I find myself stumbling in the dark, trying to find him as I call his name.

I feel a pain in my chest as I hear no answer. I fall over on the rough terrain, ripping off my heels and feeling scared.

"It's too dark where are you, Stiles?!"

I felt my breathing become heavier as I jump at the flash.

I scream and close my eyes.

"Lydia!" I hear my name being called from the distance.

I feel cold and unaware and I stay sitting on the ground with my eyes closed shaken up.

I hear feet running as his voice is warm and I feel his arm on my shoulder.

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