Focus On My Voice.

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I'm 17, in high school, I have a stupid high school crush, I can be put in the invisible category at school and I'm not supposed to put into these situations.

I know life is dangerous; I just didn't want to go this way.

I watch a drip of sweat beam down my face and onto my cardigan. My hands aching with the rope that ties them together and against a cold metal pole that holds another body on the other side, Stiles. His heavy breath warms the room slightly. As I watch my arms be covered in Goosebumps from the cool winter air that fills the dark, basement like room.

It smells of oil, metal and all things foul.

"Lydia, just calm down everything is going to be okay," the body from across me says. I would usually freak out that the boy cares about me, but the fear hits my body and every nerve is set off inside me.

Another drop hits my cardigan but it's not nervous sweats, its tears. As the wince escapes my body an even louder wince escapes Stiles body. That fact that I can't see him kills me. His hands right next to me but tangled in rope.


After the events of the lacrosse game, and everyone's cheer filled the small field. I notice the over excited Stiles run to his father, which who is the sheriff. The fathers face filled with such pride of his son.

After his mothers passing, it was always just his dad and he; he seemed to never have much family. I admired their relationship with his dad and Scott, how he is so close to him. In 2nd grade everyone was convinced they were brothers. Everyone is still convinced. It reminded me of Allison and I, I'm an only child and Ally is seriously like a sister.

The 3 day sleepovers, the forts we have built, going online to attempt to try putting on makeup, all the chats about boyfriends we will have and what it is like to fall in love and have a broken heart.

"I'm never going to have a broken heart and never shall I let someone's heart break because of I" Allison used to say at 2am at our sleepovers as preteens, "that's going to be extremely hard Ally" I would always explain, "Well to make it harder" she said goofing around and grabbing my hands "Lydia Martin, shall never have her heart broken either, she shall fall in love and out of love and never brake her heart."

I would look to her with serious eyes, "How is that going to be possible, falling out of love unquestionably leads to a broken heart", "You have me silly, I will brake hearts for you Lydia, you are strong and if you are sad, simply come to me".

"Ally, that breaks your rule"

Allison would breath heavily, think for a second and grad my hands again swinging them around like the kids we were, "Okay we may break hearts, but never our own and certainly never cause each others to be broken, if in fact one heart those shatter, we will support each other and know it wasn't caused by one another, do you agree?" and I did. I still do, we protect each other just like Stiles and Scott. That's why letting people into my life is just so hard, I've already had someone promise to take care of me when I am broken, I don't need more support if it leads to an abhorrent end.

As I watch Stiles jump around his father, I watch his face drop as his father grabs what seems to be apiece of police equipment, his father runs into the distance, pushing through the crowds and yelling. Stiles quickly runs to his father, his father grabs his son by the shoulder and talks quickly, Stiles understanding every word as well as his facial expression go from joy to worried. His father runs to the car park. As Stiles runs to find Scott.

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