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Graduation was the best day ever! 

i was free from prison! i mean school haha...the best thing was the speeches apparently in some schools they don't do speeches but it ours we do, i certainly laughed when the boys went to read theirs together, at first the teachers said only one student at a time can go and read their speeches but as they made theirs together the teachers sighed defeated and let them do their "Amazing speech".

"First of all i would like to thank...none of you...you teachers didn't do shit...lets be honest you just sat your asses down and gave us essays and fucking projects to do which yall didn't even correct and didn't bother to explain anything to us...all we have to say is.." i chuckled when Harry added "Fuck yall!!" after the boys read their speeches the Teachers seemed shocked and some gasped in horror,everyone was quiet until...

i laughed making all the student join in with me and clap.

the after party was not worthy to attend...so we all just went to Candice's place and had our typical barbecue.

"your speech was....." i didn't even have words to describe it so instead i drank my beer silently looking away making the boys chuckle.

"Special? amazing? Fantastic? Super doupah?-" Harry said before Carlie cut him off by throwing a piece of chicken at his face making me laugh.

"Oh...my....i'm sorry" Carlie said

"It's alright"

"such a waste of food...." she shook her head dusting off the dust from the chicken and taking a bite into it.

"Gross" harry said receiving a playful slap from Carlie.


Two years later after working as an apprentice Photographer i was able to save enough money to open a little Enterprise where i took professional wedding photo's, sometimes i would have to take Bikini shoots and edit that stuff and all but i didn't mind i really loved my job.

And Jason worked with his dad and each night when he would return to our apartment   exhausted and complain about his back hurting and begged me to give him a massage.

Carlie? well i was proud of her after she attended the university at Paris she came back here and worked at one of our biggest hotels here,she even got to visit the countries she always dreamed of.

Brent? Well he actually works with me, Yes in my enterprise..he helps with the edits and all.

Harry? who knew that little shit would end up being a teacher...the one who hated school!? but hey he was good with kids so yeah..Oh yeah!  forgot to mention he was working in a primary school not college.

Kylan? who knew he would be a soccer player..joking i knew everyone did.

Dave,Zack and Trent? ready to be shocked as fuck? They became fucking doctors! DOCTORS! who knew! like i thought they would end up being a soccer player like Kylan but one night they had this deep conversation and next day they were like "I wanna be a doctor"..


"Jason?" i said entering our apartment

"I'm here sunshine!" he yelled from the bathroom.

I walked to the bathroom and saw him in his gray sweat pants with no shirt on, He was currently shaving..i wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his back.

"How was your day?" i asked still hugging him

"the usual meetings..and stuff" he shrugged and shaved a last spot before turning around to hug me.

"what about you?" he asked kissing my forehead.

"The same, Brent and i had lots of editing to do".

i looked at him and saw him smiling..hmm? he definitely has something important to tell me.

"what is it?" i asked with one eyebrow raised

"remember that house we wanted..." he said playing with my hair.

"the one with three bedrooms, huge bathrooms, living room, dining room, Kitchen,An office and The garden with that cute pool!" i jumped around feeling excited.

he nodded "Well i was able to finally buy it thanks to our savings." i jumped around the bathroom and ran to the kitchen and shouted "YASSSSSSSSSSS!" as i ran.

Jason quickly grabbed me by my waist and laughed at my reaction "We are moving in two days".


Two days arrived real quick and i called Brent to tell him that i won't be able to go to work today because of Jason and i moving into our dream house! i was supposed to go and meet Jason there.

But once there all the lights were off  and i heard some music playing in the back garden (if that wasn't creepy than i don't know what is) i walked there to find cute fairy lights lighting up the garden, i was in awe and when i turned to my left i saw Jason give me one of those nervous smiles before getting down on one knee...WAIT IS HE ABOUT TO!!?

"Fuck..." he cursed "i forgot my speech.." he mumbled making me chuckle.

"Evie.. will you marry me?" he asked...i decided to tease him and let a good five minutes pass

"Evie?" he said worried.

"Fuck yes" i smirked and he got up and hugged me so tight "You scared me for a second...i thought you was going to say no.."

i pulled away from the hug and cupped his cheeks "i know i know" i laughed and pecked him on his lips making him laugh and place the ring around my finger.

I KNOW I KNOW "crappiest ending ever!!!"

Hope you guys liked it ^-^ i would also like to thank the readers who have been commenting and voting for my book.

So thank you vanillaoreossQueenSyTheodore, @LucindaC207 for the sweets messages and comments and votes.

-xoxo kiternity...

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