Chapter 4

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Carlie's outfit:

Carlie's outfit:

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Evie's Outfit:

Evie's Outfit:

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"CARLIE!!" I waved at Carlie from far.

"EVIE!!!" she shouts back and runs towards me to hug me.

"Damn you look hot" Carlie says and i did a curtsy to show off my dress.

"right back at you, i love that top!" i said to Carlie

Jason cleared his throat i stared at him and said " Oh yeah So Carlie This is Brent well you already know i see no point of introducing you to him..... and this is Jason, And  this is Carlie my best friend!!" i smiled hugging her

"yeah i think we get that" Jason says laughing

"CAN WE GET SOME FOOD I'M STARVING" i shouted and they all started to laugh.

we all went to this cute shop called "Mama's" there food was soo delicious.

then we went to watch the movies we were all fighting on what film to watch but at the end Carlie and i Won we both went to see a Romantic film and the end we were both crying our eyes out.

" She died!" Carlie blurted 

"he loved her so much and she died!" we said  crying 

"come here love" Brent said hugging me and Jason tried to do the same thing to  Carlie But she said  ''Ew get off me boy" which made me laugh soo much.

We then went shopping "purple or pink" i said to Jason and Brent showing them two dresses

they both seemed bored so i sigh and said ''Carlie sweetheart Purple or Pink?"

"girl the get the purple one cuz i'm getting this pink one" we then had to  drop our purchases in the car because i felt bad for the boys having to carry all of our bags.

"what now ?" i told Carlie

"we should totally go bowling! " when she said that the boys shouted " YAH BOWLING BABY''

once there it was Carlie and i vs Brent and Jason. "We are so going to beat you girls" they say in unison.


"HA WE WON" i shouted in their faces while  entering the car " we let you guys win" Jason said annoyed.

"No you didn't, Oh Evie remember when Jason slipped like this " Carlie said imitating Jason i laughed remembering how funny it was to see him slip.

Once we dropped Carlie at her place we headed to Aunt Liz and Uncle John's house.

"i'm Exhausted i said plopping myself down on the couch" 

"same" they said in unison and plopped on the couch next to me

" Carlie has a lot of energy!" Brent says

"i know" i laughed " you guys hungry?"  i asked them

"yeah!" they said in unison. I got up and decided to cook us some Macaroni Cheese

"Zis Iz Swo GWADD" Brent said i'm pretty sure he meant 'this is so good'.

We ended up watching some scary movies and i kept on shouting "WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING GIRL DON'T GO OUTSIDE!! CALL THE FUCKING POLICE!!!'' 


i ended up in Jason's arm and when it was over he said " i know you love me sweetheart but let go now'' i let go of his hands and said " yeah ugh whatever!"

"Guys.." they both look at me confused " i need to pee can you hold the door for me" i asked

"no" Jason and Brent said. "fine i hate you both" i ended up going to the toilet with a baseball bat in my hand while peeing... don't judge okay! i was scared!

once out the boys scared me and i ended up hitting them with the baseball bat.

"WHAT THE FUCK EVIE!!" Jason said rubbing his arm

"She got me right in ma balls" Brent said laying on the floor, i ran and got them both an ice pack

Jason got hit on his arm with the bat whereas Brent got hit right in know.

"what happened to you boys!" my aunts shouted seeing them in pain .

they both glared at me and i explained everything to my Aunt and Uncle.

My uncle just laughed at them and my aunt took my defence and said " Next time don't scare a girl when she's scared....does that make sense? ANYWAY you get it" she snapped at them

i ended up baking them brownies and making them some tea.

When Brent left i plopped on my bed and laughed to myself as i was remembering how i hit them with a baseball bat..

"what you laughing at?" i turned around to see Jason in my bed

"get out!" i said pushing him off my bed.

"that isn't very nice of you sweetheart especially after hitting me with a bat" he said

"well you and Brent scared me..: i said as he got back on the bed and told me 

"ill leave you alone if we cuddle for 15 minutes only!!" he begged

at the end we ended up cuddling to be honest i didn't mind cuddling him, i placed my head on his chest and he played with my hair and we were talking about how our day was so fun he even said that he wanted to join me each Friday when i go to meet Carlie. He did mention that she was a loud girl but also said how she was fun to be around with i agreed and i continued to cuddle him and slowly fell asleep in his arms.

hey guys! hoped you like reading this chapter because i was soo happy writing this chapter for you, Some of you mentioned about the mistakes i made in the last chapters. I will go back to correct them as soon as possible.

and honestly i don't know when i'll update the next chapter but i know it will be very soon so don't you all worry

-xoxo kiternity

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