Chapter 5

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When i woke up i was in Jason's arms, he kinda cute while he was sleeping.

wait a minute last night he ask for a 15 minutes cuddle how did he end up with a 5 hour cuddle, i stared at him and sigh.

"Jason wake up" i said softly playing with his curly dark brown hair.

"mhmm" he replied hugging me tighter

"Jason wake up!!" i said hitting him 

"just 5 more minutes...." he groaned 

"My uncle said that if you don't get your hands off of me-" he didn't let me finish and jumped out of my bed saying

"i'm did nothing  john!" then looked at around my room really  confused " your uncle isn't even here" 

 "you should of seen your face you got so scared when i mentioned Uncle John" i said laughing  like a crazy person.

"that's not funny!" he said jumping back on my bed and hugging me " Enough with the hug's" i pushed him away and he started to pout.  i promised myself that i wouldn't hug him again as i didn't want Candice to kill me, even though Candice and Jason aren't together i prefer not to get in between them.

"come on you know you want it" he said winking at me showing off his abs.

"get out!" i laughed and pushed him out of my room.

I went to take a shower and spent 20 minutes in front of my wardrobe complaining about not having clothes when really i have tones!

i ended up wearing  this :

I headed downstairs and decided to make me some waffles, scrambled eggs and bacon!

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I headed downstairs and decided to make me some waffles, scrambled eggs and bacon!

"Aunt Liz?" i shouted, my Aunt and Uncle had left a note saying that they had to leave early for work and will return around 7  o'clock in the afternoon.

"smells good!" Jason said 

"here for you" i said handing him his plate.

we didn't talk much during breakfast we just ate breakfast silently, he was watching the television and i was texting Carlie 

ME: Hey Carlie! Do you have any plans for today?

Carlie: No not really, meet you at the park in 15 minutes?

Me: sure!

I got up and did the dishes when i felt Jason's arms wrap around my waist pulling my back closer to his chest

"do you have any plans today''

"yer i'm going to meet Carlie in 15 minutes" i said putting the dishes away.

"oh okay, well see you later then'' he said kissing me on my cheeks. OKAY WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON! did he just kiss me? i thought he hated me? why is he suddenly being so nice and flirty.

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