[14] I'm Sorry

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{A/N: The title has nothing to do with me or the story, it's just the name of the chapter. No worries :) ; also the picture is Julia}

"Seriously though, we need to stay on topic."

Jewels, Sam, Julia and I were playing 21 questions; well it was actually just Sam and Julia asking us questions and us asking them. We kept bringing up the most random things and getting off track; but it's just us.

( izzy_dee us lol)

There was a knock on the door and I turned to see Niall,"Bea? Can we.. talk?  Privately?"

I nodded before excusing myself and going into the hallway.

"Okay, before you get mad and stab me let me explain first. I'm sorry I've been distant, that I've been avoiding you. I really like you and when I found out that you and Shane were together, it hurt me. A lot. I didn't know how to react, what to say, do, or feel. So I just ignored you. I'm sorry and I hope we can still be friends even after what an ass I was to you."

I smiled and pulled him in for a hug before whispering,"True friends stab you in the front."

He pulled back with a confused face before I replied,"It's just a saying. No worries."

He looked relieved,"I thought you were going to stab me there for a minute."

I laughed,"No worries, but I should probably be getting back to the girls."

Niall nodded before starting towards his room,"Okay, maybe we can play video games or something later?"


I walked back in and joined the girls.

"January 9th," Julia answered; Im going to guess that its her birthday.

"How about you Bea?" Julia asked looking at me.

"My birthday?"

They all nodded,"December 21st."

{A/N: that's my birthday lol}

"That's my sisters birthday too," Sam laughed.

I smiled,"What's your sister's name?"

"Alex, she's 15."

I nodded,"Favourite food?"

Julia's is Pizza, Sam's is lasagna.


"Seriously though," I said while hugging Sam and Julia goodbye,"We really need to all get together and go shopping or something."

I am so sorry for the short chapter, really short chapter. But it's a filler I guess. I hope you liked this very short chapter.

GhostDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora