[1] The day he walked out..

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**Frenchie's POV**

"I can't keep trying to be me, I'm just a ghost of my old self. I can't be me, I've tried. Tried so fucking much for you! But no, all you care about is your fucking band!"

"I do not!"

"Yeah, the hell you do! Your so conceited!"

"Conceited? Me? All you ever focus on is you, you, you."

"What? No I don't!"

"Yes you fucking do!"

"It's not good to fight in front of the kids, Eric!"

"Fuck this, Missy!"

My dad walked out of the house and never came back. It was 12 years ago to this date.

My mom killed herself a couple years back. 3 or 4, I'm not sure and I don't really care. Why should I? After he left all she did was drink. Left me to take care of 4 kids because I was the eldest. But I couldn't so two of them died, Jack and Anna I believe were there names.

"Harper your shift!" Hayes yelled from the bunker door.

I sighed and grabbed my assault riffle and paced the door back and forth, awaiting 7:14.

The buzzer went off through the safe house and breakfast was served. Cold oatmeal and grits, we weren't complaining, it was a nice dish. Better than burnt toast and undercooked chicken.

"Courtyard, you two," He pointed at Jackson and I,"Grab the fucking targets and hurry the hell up."

I nodded and jogged to the storage room, Jackson following.

Later on outside the courtyard after running 7.5 miles in an hour, rough training. We did roll.


"Okay, my lot how the hell are you?!"

"Fucking great General Hayes!" We all said in unison.

"Good! Even better for target practice! Line your fat asses up and shoot 5 head shots in 30 seconds!"

It was Alisse, Styles, and I. Alisse is probably fixing to be dropped.

After  we shot we did placements, again

1 Hayes
2 Harper
3 Barrett
4 Hugh
5 Styles
6 Jackson
7 Winchester
8 Alisse

"Katie Alisse!" Hayes barked,"Your fucking dropped."

She lowered her head and bowed to Hayes, and was stabbed through the back, it went through her. No one flinched, or it would be us next.

"Bunks!" He barked again and we all jogged to our bunks.

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