Chapter 4

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"What are you doing with my cat?"

I looked up, slowly dragging my gaze up his body. He was about 6'3. Yes he was tall as shit. He wore black boots a lot like mine. His legs were wrapped in the tightest blue jeans id ever seen on a guy with a rip in the right knee. He had a white band t-shirt on with rips around the neck and a red flannel shirt on top. The white shirt he had on was kind of tight making it possible for me to see an outline of his strong chest while his red flannel tee was rolled up so I could see his arms. His arms were decorated in tattoos of different sizes shapes and colors yet they all seemed to mesh together in a beautiful and intriguing way. His hair was long for a guy and served as a curtain around his eyes. I stood up not tearing my gaze away from him. His body was amazing but I had to see his face. He used his hands to push his hair up out of his eyes and... oh shit his fucking eyes.

They were jade, the most beautiful jade id ever seen. His eyes were the color of fresh grown grass and the color of the bottom of the ocean all rolled into one some how. They had parts of gold and blue in them like shards of stained glass. When my eyes caught his, the pupils of his beautiful eyes dilated and his jaw mouth fell agape ever so slightly. His eyes poured into mine and mine into his as it felt like I was reading his entire life story cover to cover and not stopping to take a single breath. He literally made me breathless. My eyes danced around his other feature. He had high cheek bones, a cute, wide nose, heart shaped lips and jawline that looked carved by gods.

"Hello." He spoke finally.

"Hi." I responded. I stared at him for a little longer before he broke a smile and looked downward causing me to silently sigh. That sigh was probably the first breath I'd taken in over a minute.

"You still haven't answered my question.. What're you doing with my cat?" He asked again crossing his large arms over his glorious chest.

"What? Oh no, no sweetie you have it all wrong. This is my cat. Midnight." I said smiling and looking down at midnight while she purred and cuddled up against my leg.

"Well is that so? How come she's wearing my necklace then smarty pants?" He asked with a smirk looking very proud of himself.

"Well I'd assume you put it on her sometime after yesterday afternoon am I correct?"

He nodded and began to circle me.

"Yes indeed you are.. but that still proves nothing." He said stroking his invisible beard.

I rolled my eyes playfully and directed my attention to Midnight.

"Midnight!" I called out. She turned around and walked over to me.

"BANG!" I shouted while fashioning my hand into a gun and pointing it at her. She jumped up a bit and fell to the ground as if I had shot her just like I taught her to do in secret many years ago.

"Oh that's fucking sick!" He exclaimed.

"I know. I taught her to do that on a boring rainy day."

He smiled and nodded. "I guess that proves she's yours then. He said as he picked her up and placed her in my arms.

"Thank you good sir." I said as I began petting her.

The tall stranger with the pretty eyes walked over to the oak tree and sat down at the base of it.

"Only trouble makers make it this far into the Tracks... what does that say about you?" He asked resting his hands behind his head and leaning onto the oak tree.

I walked closer to him and set midnight down. "Probably the same thing it says about you... trouble maker." I said sitting down next to him.

"Nah I'm not a trouble maker." He said closing his eyes.

"Oh no?" I asked with a smirk.

"Nope. I'm more of a Hell raiser. Has a ring to it, don't you think?"

I chuckled and nodded as I stared into the trees.

"So does a trouble maker come with a name?" He asked me.

"Lilac." I answered looking back at him only for a moment before directing my attention back to the trees. He chuckled and looked away.

"That's not a very menacing name for a trouble maker." He admitted.

"Oh? what's your name then?" I asked with fake defensiveness.

"James. James Quinn." He said as he stared upwards.

"And he sayd my name isn't menacing." I said to myself but loud enough so he could hear it.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. He leaned closer to me and whispered "I've seen things you wouldn't even have the darkness in you to think about."

I leaned in to match him. "Prove it."

A chill went down my spine and a surge excitement through my body making my finger tips tingle. He had a certain dangerous feeling to him.. And I craved it more than I could say.

He smirked and looked from side to side as if to make sure we weren't being followed.

"Follow me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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