Chapter 3

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--------------------- || Lilac's POV || -------------------

I slowly opened my eyes and immediately shivered.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself. It rained last night and I decided to leave the curtains and window wide open.

Fucking Brilliant. I thought as I rushed up to close the window. As much as I hate waking up to half my bed soaking wet. I love the rain. Its just something about the fact that everyone's inside so it looks like a ghost town that's just awesome to me. Plus it leaves the sky with this blue-ish purple-ish tint that I just adore. My parents, on the other hand, hate the rain and forbid me from walking out in it unless it is completely necessary. But I have a rope ladder, rainy day attire, and last but not least, I don't give a shit.

I walked over to my closet and selected a few items from my rainy day category. A simple grey knit sweater a few sizes too big, dark blue skinny jeans, some black combat boots with a buckle on either side, and my camo jacket. I grabbed my umbrella and from the stand and checked my watch.

3:00 AM. Good. My dad gets up for his jog at 6 and my mom doesn't get up till 7 or 8 so I can get about 3 hours of lurking in before I have to come back. I thought.

I walked over to my vanity mirror and turned on the lights around the frame of it. My skin looked its usual tan and my hair looked its usual curly. My hair came down to my waist and was dark brown but looked black as night. I put some product in my hair and left it down. I put on some mascara and decided to leave it at that. My parents had no idea I owned make up. Actually they have no idea I own half of the items of clothing that I do. The camo jacket and the boots for example. They thought those things were for girls with a "Lack of class." They have no idea what class is. They still to tradition and expect me to do the same. Its boring. I'd rather not.

I opened my door a crack and peeked out. Nothing. everyone was still snoring. I smiled to myself, closed and locked my door. My parents trust me and would simply think I wanted alone time or something. I walked over to my window and let my rope ladder down. I climbed down it and used the pulley I put in to pull it back up. I put the string in its original hiding place and began my journey.

I opened my umbrella and walked down the road with my head down a bit. If any of the store owners or my neighbors saw me out in this rain they'd definitely tell my parents but since I'm wearing my own clothes they don't recognize me. Anyone else would be a little offended by that but I don't really care. Whatever keeps my parents from knowing what I'm really like. I walk past the bakery and the church I attended yesterday. Looking at them made me strangely uncomfortable. I walked a little faster to my favorite hiding place. The tracks.

I carefully walked over the slippery steel of the tracks and made my way over to my favorite oak tree. I picked up a broken skate board that someone left here years ago and placed it near the base of the tree and sat down on it. The tree was acting like umbrella and keeping most of the water from getting to me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the calming sound of rain drops hitting the oak leaves. Then I heard a jingle. Like a chain of some sort. Just like the chain like noise I heard out side of my window last night. I opened my eyes and looked over to the opening of the tracks. I wanted to speak but I wanted to figure out what was coming. I was curious..

"Uh Uh Uh... Curiosity killed the cat.." A male voice called out.

"What the fuck..?" I said out loud as I stood up and looked around me.. I was alone. I was completely alone. Yet that voice sounded like it was right next to me, if not closer. Then the jingling noise again. I took a deep breath and took a step forward towards the noise.

"Don't go over there.. Do you want to end up like the cat? Just go home."

There's that damn voice again..

"Where are you?" I asked as I walked over to the noise. I walked up to the entrance and out came my cat Midnight , or Lacy as my parents named her, running from the bushes

"Oh shit Midnight.. you scared the fuck out of me." I said petting her fur. I ran my hand over something cold around her neck. It was a thin gold chain that looked like it was a necklace since it was wrapped around Midnight's neck 3 times and still hung a little loose. On the gold chain there was a little golden medallion attached. on the golden circle it had the letters "J.V" carved into it

As I crouched down and admired the jewelry now adorning my cats neck I saw a pair of black boots come into my view. that certainly weren't mine or anyone's I recognized.

"What are you doing with my cat?"


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