Chapter 2

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That tug.

She felt it again. The same tug from the church. She felt that same gut feeling that she needed to get away from there. But she wasn't afraid. She was intrigued. She took off the cardigan she had on and placed it beside her by the oak tree. She felt the hairs stand up on her arms. She closed her eyes hoping that eliminating one of her senses would make the tug stronger or make it easier to pin point. She kept her breathing slow and quiet. She kept very still.

Then it moved.

The tug moved. It seemed to be coming from the entrance of the tracks. And it seemed to be getting closer. The longer she kept her eyes closed the closer the tug became. She couldn't help her breathing quickening up with anticipation. It could be anything. Strange things happen in Rosebrooke. Her heart rate sped up as the tug came closer and closer. Then she heard a twig snap and her eyes shot open. She jumped up and scanned the area for anyone.

"Whose there?" Lilac asked.

No one. Just a squirrel. She was alone and the tug was gone again. She sighed and began straightening out her dress. She cursed as she saw that a root from the tree sticking up out of the ground had made tear near the bottom of her dress. She shrugged. She'd just blame it on the cat. She continued getting the remaining dust and dirt off of her and began her walk home.  The walk is fairly long but she is perfectly fine with that. She likes being alone. It gives her time to think. She cherishes anytime she has to herself.

Once she arrived to her house, she creeped up the stairs and peeked through the windows. Luckily her parents hadn't arrived yet. She walked back wards and gazed at her house for a moment. It was painted completely white with black window frames. it had white fences around it with a splash of red off to the side where their neighbors had spilled their paint while renovating their house. That was Lilac's favorite part. The red splatter. As dark as it sounded it looked like blood and that gave her house a creepy feel to it. She liked that.

She shook her head as if to physically shake herself out of her thoughts and jogged to the back of her house. She walked right beneath the window to her bedroom and felt behind the drain pipe for something. She pulled a thin string from behind it. It was white just like the wall. impossible to find unless you knew what you were looking for. She tugged on it slightly and that sent a small rope ladder to come fluttering down from her window. Most teens her age would use this when they were grounded. She used it just to escape the choke hold of perfect her parents had on her. She climbed up the ladder and into her bedroom. She rolled up the rope ladder and placed it back in its hiding place. Under the ledge and to the right of the porcelain bear. She turned around and looked at her room. Spotless. Not one item out of place. She hated it. It looked like no one lived there. so untouched and blank. She felt like a messy room was a room with character. A clean room is a room with no identity. She sighed and reached behind her to unzip her dress. She pulled the zipper down and let it fall to her feet. She stepped out of it and slid off her shoes. She riffled through her draws to find her night slip. She found a simple light pink one and slid it over her body. 

"We're home!" Her mother yelled from downstairs.

Lilac walked downstairs to greet her parents. Her living room was very simple. Wood flooring, glass table, stainless steel refrigerator her mother wanted for so long. Very modern, very posh, very... boring.

"Hi mom." Lilac greeted seeing her mother walk through the open door. Her mother was a thin woman a lot like herself. She had tan skin, wavy black hair a little past her shoulder and was about 5'2. She had big brown eyes and a smile with one dimple on her left cheek. There was no denying that she was beautiful.

"Hey sweetie, You feeling better?" She said as she studied her daughters face.

"Yeah I feel better. That nap was all I needed." Lilac said lowering her eyes a little bit to make it look like she was still a little drowsy.

"Where's daddy?" She asked rubbing her eyes and yawning for effect.

"Oh he wanted to have a few words with the priest, He should be her-"

"I'm here!" Her father boomed. Her mother and father seemed to always be in sync. their love was so strong they could sense each other. It was something Lilac was intrigued by.

"Oh good I was starting to get worried." Her mother said as she kissed her husband on the lips. Lilacs father was a tall man. About 6 feet, with graying hair. He loved golf, meeting new people, and rarely wore anything that wasn't a suit. He was a business man. That's how her parents met. They both worked at the same firm right out of college. They were both business people. Always have been and always will be.

"Sorry I had to congratulate Keith on the baby." He said putting his suit jacket away.

"Are you alright Princess? Your mother told me you weren't feeling too good."

"I'm fine Daddy. Promise." Lilac stated.

"Alright good. By the way, have you see Lacy?" My father asked. "I haven't seen that cat all day." He asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Nope. I haven't. But Lacy a smart kitty. She always finds her way home."

"Yeah you're right. Well whose ready for dinner?" Her mother asked.

"Actually I'm kind of tired. I think I'll go to bed without dinner." She said running her fingers through her hair.

"You sure pumpkin? I'm making pasta!" Her mother said excitedly.

Lilac smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah I'm sure. See you guys in the morning." She said before heading back upstairs.

Lilac walked over to the padded seat she had connected to the wall right under her window ledge. That was the one thing she liked about her room. Other than it being her place to hide and it being so dark, she loved the seat by her window. She could stare at the horizon all day. She enjoyed a good view and boy did she have a fantastic one. From her window you could see the rest of her block all the way to the lake and even the woods. She sighed and got up walking over to her bed. She left the curtains and window open to let the fresh air and light of the moon in. She fell asleep to the sound the wind rustling the trees and, strangely enough.. the sound of a chain of some sort....

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