Chapter 3

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Stiles was finally being released from the hospital, he got out pf bed and went to the bathroom. He remembered that Lydia said she brought him some clothes. When he took off the hospital gown Stiles was shocked by how huge the claw marks on his chest were, seeing that the marks were also starting to slowly heal mad him angry. He never wanted to be a werewolf, Stiles got dressed, signed the release forms and left the hospital. Lydia was waiting outside for him, once he opened the car she gave him a smile. As Lydia started driving she couldn't help but something was wrong with Stiles besides was happening at the moment "hey you ok" she asked him "yea I'm fine" Stiles answered looking out the window. Lydia always know when Stiles was hiding something "I'm just thinking" he blurted out and turned to look at Lydia "about" Lydia asked while keeping her eyes on the road "about us" Stiles simply said. Since he told Lydia told her in the hospital that he still liked her he felt like he made things complicated between them "about what i told u at the hospital" he added.Lydia didn't know what to say she was kinda shocked when he told her that he still liked her to be honest sh thought he moved on from her "Stiles i like you too" Lydia said reveled that she got that off her chest "really" Stiles asked in shock "yes really" Lydia said as she got out her car. Stiles didn't even realized that they were at his house already 

Once they both entered Stiles house they saw that the pack except Malia and Kira was already there. it was awkwardly silent for awhile until Lydia broke the silence "did you guys find Theo" she asked "wait you went to go look for him" Stiles asked almost mad "yea Liam and i did and we didn't find him but we did find one of his pack members.... Nicole" Scott said. Most of the pack knew who Nicole was and were shocked that she was supernatural and in  Theo's pack. "what did she say" Stiles asked looking down instead at Scott, he really didn't wanna make eye contact with him. Stiles was still kinda hurt that Scott trusted Theo over him.... his brother "she wouldn't say where Theo was but she said that it started with Stiles' death and its gonna end with mines" Scott said looking and Stiles but then Quickly looking away. Scott didn't understand why Stiles didn't go to him after he killed Donavon, at the moment when Theo told Scott how Stiles killed him Scott believed every word but now looking at it Theo was a liar and most likely lied about the whole thing. Scott did feel bad and wanted to apologize to Stiles but didn't know where or how to start. It was very awkward at the moment everyone felt the tension  between Stiles and Scott " you remember anything that happened the night Theo.....tortured you" Liam asked "ugh.....not really" Stiles answered, most of that day was a blur to him "that's fine" Scott said reassuringly "so whats the plan" Lydia asked "since Stiles ins't fully done his transformation it's not safe for him to go to school so hr doesn't go until after the full moon which is in 2 days" Scott explained "what do you mean 'not fully done his transformation' " Mason asked "Deaton told me that werewolves turned by scratches don't become a full werewolf right away it happens slowly, so it could happen in school then he would lose control" Scott explained to the pack

After awhile everyone left Sties' house except Lydia who refused to leave Stiles side at the moment "Lydia are you sure you don't wanna go home and get some rest"  Stiles suggested. He saw how exhausted Lydia looked and he hated it "no im staying the night actually" she replied smiling, Stiles wasn't gonna say no to her staying over he just wanted her to get some rest. "Stiles can i ask you something" Lydia asked "sure ask away" Stiles said smirking "are you ever gonna talk to Scott about what happened" Lydia asked but Stiles didn't answer and just bowed his head a little "Stiles i know what happened and i don't believe that you killed Donavon on purpose... you wouldn't hurt a fly unless you felt threatened by it" Lydia said trying to cheer him up and it worked. Stiles got up from the couch and kissed Lydia. Their kiss was long and passionate. Stiles was the one to break away first "Lydia Martin would you be my girlfriend" he asked her smiling, Lydia loved his smile she wished that he would smile like that more "of course plus you should smile more" Lydia said then kissed Stiles cheek

Stiles and Lydia were watching a movie when Lydia saw the time " hey it's getting late" Lydia said then turned off the TV. it was 12:30, they both made their way upstairs to bed

*** Stiles' dream ***
When Stiles opened his eyes he saw that he was back where Theo had him. Stiles was alone and it creeped him out being there. All of a sudden Theo was across the room from Stiles "you thought you could hide from me" Theo said, his eyes were glowing red and Stiles could he was angry "did you really think that i would've found out that you're not dead.... you're my beta i would've found out" Theo growled at Stiles causing to flinch a little. Theo started to approach Stiles. Stiles tried to move but he could it was like his feet were glued to the floor "you should've died the first time" Theo said now face to face with Stiles, then there was a bang.
*** End of dream ***

Stiles shot up from his bed covered in sweat and trying to calm himself down. Once he was calm he noticed a paper on his bed

it read:
Went to School. Scott said stay inside in case Theo or someone from his pack is around. love you

Stiles sighed then looked at the time, it was 1 pm already. Stiles got out of bed, took a shower and went downstairs. When he got downstairs all the noises from outside hit him like a bus, he could hear all the birds,cars driving pass and a lot of other things he could even hear his own heartbeat. All the noises gave him a piercing migraine which made it hard for him to concentrate on anything. 


At school Scott and Lydia walked out of coach's class. They dad one more class for the day. Scott and Lydia were at her locker "Scott when are you and Stiles gonna start talking" Lydia asked him as she searched for her books "i don't know" Scott answered "look i know it's gonna be awkward but you guys have to talk and soon" Lydia demanded. She hated that Scott and Stiles weren't talking i mean their best she thought. The bell rang they both had Mr. Yukimura, to their surprise he was in class today but Kira for some reason wasn't. Nicole walked into class and gave Lydia a weak smile then took a seat behind her.

when class was over Scott rushed to his locker, got his bag and left the school. When he got to his car he saw Lydia walking over to him "hey where you rushing off too" she asked Scott "I was gonna go to Kira's ho-" Scott was saying but the stopped mid sentence "Scott what's wrong" Lydia asked giving him a weird look "behind you" is all Scott said. Lydia looked behind her and noticed Theo and Nicole staring at them from afar, Lydia quickly turned back around to face Scott "I will meet you at 'his' house" Scott whispered putting an emphasis on 'his' an Lydia just nodded knowing what he meant. Once Lydia got in her car she got a text from Scott

Scott: Take the long way 2 Stiles' house

As Lydia started driving she just hoped they didn't follow her


Theo and Nicole watched as Scott and Lydia parted ways and got into their cars "are we gonna follow them" Nicole asked "nope" Theo simply answered. Theo had a bad feeling about the way his pack killed Stiles "did you guys make sure Stiles was dead before you all left" Theo asked Nicole "He was barley breathing there's no way he didn't die" Nicole answered confidently "you guys better hope he died" Theo said then walked away. 

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