Chapter 7

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This is really short, but I tried my best to write it well. I hope it's okay :)

Don't forget the external link on the side, my lovelies. 

Joey and I haven’t talked since that day at Roger’s. That was a week and a half ago and I missed him a lot. I went out with Spencer twice, but he didn’t give me goosebumps like Joey did. He was really touchy and a little bit scary at times.

The second time we went out, he took me to a bluff where we watched the stars for a while. It was actually really fun until I felt him place his hand on my knee. I just brushed it off until it slid up my leg, making me uncomfortable.

I pushed him away and tried to go back to normal, but he kept touching me. I eventually said that I wanted to go home, and after a fight, he took me home. I never called him back or returned his texts because he actually scared me a little bit.

I heard my phone ringing in the kitchen, I ran from the living room to get it. I saw Briana’s face on the screen so I answered it.

“Hey girl, what’s up?” I asked, lifting myself up onto the kitchen counter.

“Hey, do you want to go out today? I really need a girls’ day and talk to you about some stuff,” she said, and I could hear the unease in her voice.

“Is everything okay, Bri? You sound freaked out,” I said, making my way upstairs to my room to get ready.

“I’ll be by your house in about ten minutes and we’ll talk,” she said before hanging up the phone.

Briana was always a happy person so I was really nervous to talk to her. Something had to be really wrong for her to be this torn up.

I heard the door open and shut before feet pounded up the stairs. Briana walked into my room and sat on my bed as I put in my earrings. I figured she’d start talking whenever she was ready so I didn’t push her too hard.

“Craig and I were at his house last Saturday and we had sex,” she said after we were in her car.

“Oh, that’s…good?” I said slowly, not really getting what the problem was. “Did you not want to or something?”

“No! I did, it was nice, but I think we messed up,” she said, rubbing her forehead when we stopped at a red light. “My period is late.”

Oh my god, that was something that made my blood run cold. Teen pregnancy wasn’t something that happened a lot in Glaten because condoms were offered a lot. I always thought that Bri was smart enough to use them, but maybe not.

“Did you not use a condom, Briana?!” I shrieked to her.

“We were in the heat of a moment and condoms were the last thing on my mind. It all happened so fast and by the time it was over I realized the mistake,” she said and I could hear the tears in her voice. “I’m going to the health department to get tested, I didn’t want to go alone so I invited you. I’ll understand if you want to go back home, though.”

“No, I’m your friend and that means that I’m going to stand by you,” I said, taking her hand in mine and holding it tightly as we walked into the building.

I went back with her and waited outside the door as she took a pregnancy test. After she came out, the doctor said that she wanted to take a blood test, too. Bri nodded and held my hand as the put the needle into her skin.

The pregnancy test was negative, but the blood test would be the deciding vote. It wouldn’t be in until at least Tuesday and it was Saturday. I promised her I’d be there with her when they called, I didn’t want her to think she was alone.

“Hey, you’re probably not even pregnant. The test did say that you weren’t,” I tried to console her as I drove towards Taco Bell. “Even if it’s positive, I’m going to be there for you.”

“Thank you so much for being such a great friend. I’m really glad I’ve got you because I don’t think Craig would be part of it,” she said sadly.

 We were sitting in a booth eating when she asked, “How are things with you and Spencer?”

I flinched at his name and shook my head. “He and I aren’t together now nor are we ever going to be. He’s really possessive and controlling and I don’t like that.”

“Oh wow, did he scare you or something while you were on a date?” she asked, seemingly grateful that we were talking about something other than her mistake.

“Yeah, I was really afraid of him. I know I’m probably overreacting to it, but we got into a fight and it freaked me out,” I said before biting into my second taco.

“What was the argument about?” she asked.

“He tried to get me to suck his dick, and when I said no, he got really mad. He called me a tease and said that he shouldn’t have asked me out,” I explained to her. “He said that the big tip he left me was more than enough for me to give him a blowjob.”

“That’s total bullshit, you never have to suck a guy off,” Briana said, shaking her head. “Fuck him and Craig for being assholes.”

She told me earlier about how Craig said she didn’t want anything to do with her if she was pregnant. If she wasn’t, she could call and they’d hook up, but other than that it was a no go.

“Let’s just swear off guys completely and buy a bunch of cats,” I laughed as we walked back out to her car. “I think it’s the start of a beautiful future.”

“What about Joey? He seemed really sweet and like he had a crush on you,” Briana said. “He’s pretty hot, too, actually.

“He hasn’t talked to me since last week. He saw that Spencer left me a ten dollar tip and he said that it was the only reason that I went out with him,” I explained to her.

“Did anything happen between you two before that happened?” she asked, turning onto the freeway and driving towards the mall.

“Well…” I said, debating whether or not to tell her about the make out session. “The night before he spent the night at my house and we made out on my bed for a while before falling asleep all snuggled up to each other.”

“You made out with him one night and then accepted a date with Spencer the next day. Oh wow, you get around, girl!” Bri shrieked after we walked into the mall.

The rest of the afternoon was pretty great, I needed a girls’ day out. I promised Bri that I would spend the night at her place on Monday so I’d be there whenever she got the call.

Whenever she dropped me off at my house, I went upstairs and sprawled out on my bed. I opened up Instagram and scrolled through my feed. Hailey's face popped up with Joey’s right beside hers. I felt anger and jealousy boiling up inside of me so I tossed my phone onto the ground. I covered my face with a pillow and screamed my frustrations out into it.

I had no right to be upset, but that didn’t stop angry tears from filling up my eyes. 

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