Chapter 3

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There's an external link as always over on the side, it's Sage's bikini.

The girl on the side is Hailey, the friend throwing the party.

“Hey, my friend Hailey’s having a party at the beach today. Do you want to go to it with me?” I asked Joey.

He was sitting at the bar of Roger’s as I bused a couple of tables. He and I had been inseparable since that night on my back porch. Something happened between us that brought us closer together. We texted all the time and he hung out at work as much as I did.

His mom and I made up, and I got to hang out with the kids whenever I wasn’t working. His Aunt Melanie was such a sweetheart, and this was her second time having breast cancer. It was more aggressive this time and she had days when she couldn’t get out of bed. She was still incredibly happy and positive about it, though.

“Who’s Hailey? Is she hot?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me suggestively. “I’m all over anything that includes hot girls in bikinis.”

I rolled my eyes at him just as the bell above the door rang. I looked up and saw that it was Parker Campbell, hottest guy in school. He was convinced that he and I needed to get together, but I would rather eat my own hair than date him. He was notoriously known for sleeping with a girl and then never talking to her again. I wasn’t going to be another notch in his bed post.

“Hey beautiful, I need a large peperoni pie and your phone number,” he winked as he sat down next to Joey.

“I’m not going to get you anything until you learn to call me by my name. I’m Sage and you’re an asshole,” I said, slapping my hands onto the table that I was cleaning off. “I’m tired of you treating girls like trash, fucking them and tossing them away. I’m not just another girl that you can share your bed with.”

He looked from me to Joey and back, I could see the embarrassment coloring his face. “You’re just a frigid bitch. That no one wants to be with.”

“And that’s why you hit on her, right?” Joey asked, seeing the hurt flash across my face.

He stood up and turned to face Joey. “Do I know you?”

“Just leave, Parker,” I sighed, pointing towards the door. “I’m not worth the fight that you’re trying to fight, okay?”

He made a big show about leaving, but the joke was on him because the only people here were Joey and a couple older guys in the corner. They couldn’t even hear him so he just looked really stupid. The bell above the door rang again as he stormed out.

“Who was that ray of sunshine?” Joey asked.

“That’s Parker Campbell, he wants us to get together because I’m one of the only girls in our grade that he hasn’t slept with yet. That’s just one of the many interactions that we’ve had and probably will have this summer,” I sighed before taking the dishes back into the kitchen.

“He seems like a total douche nozzle,” he stated, following behind me and grabbing a towel to dry the dishes as I washed them.

“Did you just use the term ‘douche nozzle’ to describe someone?” I laughed, looking at him with a smile on my face. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard that one before.”

He blushed and looked down at the cup he was drying. “My mom uses it a lot whenever we’re driving. She refuses to swear in front of me because I’m still nine years old, apparently.”

“Awe, are you mommy’s little boy?” I asked, squeezing his cheek in my hand and getting soap bubbles on the side of his face.

“Did you just cover me in bubbles?” he asked, a smirk on his face. “I don’t think that’s acceptable, Miss Martin.”

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