Chapter 5

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Heeeeeeeeeeey guys, hope you like it :)

I took a shower upstairs while Joey took one downstairs. We were both trying to get the sand and salt of the beach off of our skin. Mom ended up calling and saying that she wasn’t going to be in until noon tomorrow. That meant that I didn’t have to rush Joey out of the house. I had a shift at Roger’s tomorrow morning so I’d already be out by noon.

I got out of the shower and scurried into my room with a towel wrapped around me. I grabbed a pair of yoga shorts and a big white t-shirt. I had just stepped into my panties when Joey walked into my room. I covered my chest quickly, but I was almost positive that Joey had gotten an eyeful of my boobs.

He had his hands over his eyes when he started stuttering. “I’m s-s-s-orry! I didn’t me-e-ean to be a total creep! I’m j-j-just going to go back out.”

In the time it took him to stutter that out, I had my bra and t-shirt on. “You can stop being a total spaz, I’m clothed. It’s okay, they’re just boobs.”

He slowly dropped his hands from his face, but I saw that he was looking everywhere but at me. He was so awkward that it was sweet. I pulled my shorts on before flopping down on my bed, taking his hand and yanking him down beside of me.

“Am I the first girl to show you her boobs, Joey?” I giggled, laying my head on his chest and my hand on his stomach.

He was playing around with my wet hair, but my question made him halt. “Uhm, I mean, I’ve seen boobs before, but I don’t think anyone’s ever shown them to me… Oh my god, that made me sound like such a perv!”

I giggled and pulled away enough to look up at his embarrassed face. “Hey, it’s okay, Joey. I haven’t shown anyone my boobs either. You’re the first boy that’s ever seen them.”

He seemed to calm down a little bit after that, but there seemed to be some tension between us now. I rolled out of his embrace and dug around a shelf until I came out with a handful of movies. I crawled back onto my bed and crossed my legs, tossing the movies onto Joey’s lap.

“Pick a movie and we’ll watch it,” I smiled.

He pulled up into a sitting position and looked through the pile of movies that I’d dropped on my bed. It took him a second before he picked out a movie with a wicked smile. I knew it was going to be scary, it had to be for him to smile like such a creep.

I actually laughed when I saw what movie he’d handed me. “The Notebook?! You want to watch The Notebook?”

“Yes, I want to watch The Notebook. I really like this movie, okay?” he laughed, but I saw that he was serious. “It’s my mom’s favorite movie so I’ve watched it a lot over the years.”

I put the movie in before getting back on my bed and cuddling up to Joey. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close as the movie started to play. He and I would quote the movie to each other, me being Allie and him being Noah.

When it got to the part of her reading the letter, I felt my eyes filling up. I always started crying at the same part and didn’t stop until the movie was over. I reached up and wiped my face as I tried to keep myself together.

The moment she remembered, I stopped trying to keep myself from sobbing. I cried and held onto Joey as I watched the movie. I was ugly crying by the end like always, and when I looked up at Joey I saw that he was crying a little bit, too.

He looked down at me and smiled, using his thumbs to wipe my cheeks. When I was officially tear-free, he pulled his hands away and wiped his own face. I got up to go wash my face in the bathroom across the hall and left Joey in my bed.

I came back into my room and saw that he’d pulled the blankets down on my bed. He was looked around at all the pictures I had scattered around my room. I went through a phase where I took pictures of everyone all the time when I got a Polaroid camera for Christmas.

“You’re really beautiful,” he remarked when I walked up behind him and placed a hand on his back. “I just thought you should know.”

I looked up at him and saw how close together we were. I pushed his arm and shook my head, looking down at the floor instead of up at him.

“I’m not beautiful, I’m just average,” I replied, crossing one of my arms over my body and holding my elbow.

He took my cheeks in his hands and forced me to look at him. “There is absolutely nothing average about you, Sage Martin. You’re one of the best people that I’ve ever met, and I’m so glad that I came to Glaten.”

Our eyes were locked until he glanced down at my lips quickly. I nodded and stood on my tiptoes, pushing our lips together. He held my face gently, but firmly enough that I knew he wanted this kiss to keep going. I deepened the kiss, tilting my head to the side to get closer to him.

I heard my phone buzzing on my bed and we broke apart slowly. I giggled quietly and saw that he was smiling down at me with his eyes half closed. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him once more before pulling myself out of his arms reluctantly.

I picked my phone up and saw that Briana had texted me. I saw Joey walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, laying his forehead on the back of my neck.

So, I was texting Craig earlier and he said that Spencer couldn’t stop talking about you. I think you should go for it, he’d be an excellent summer fling ;)

I just tossed my phone onto my nightstand before turning off my light and crawling into my bed. Joey followed me in and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. I pushed him back a little bit so I could kiss him some more.

I rolled him over onto his back and straddled his hips. I bent over to kiss his jaw and saw a sprinkle of freckles that I hadn’t seen before. I smiled and kissed each one of them before pulling up to look at his face. He was flushed, not blushing like he usually does whenever we’re together.

“Are you never going to blush whenever we’re together anymore?” I breathed out, staying astride his hips as I spoke. “I’m going to miss your pink cheeks.”

He laughed and rested his hands lazily on my hips. “I’m sure, I blush all the time so I’m sure it’ll come back. Just give it a little while.”

I shrugged and rolled back over onto my side. He rolled over and snuggled into me from behind, draping over my waist. I placed my hand on his and relaxed back against him.


I woke up the next morning and saw that I’d turned around and was facing Joey’s chest now. I glanced up at him and saw that he was already looking down at me. Instead of him getting flustered, I was the one whose face heated up.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he said in a low, raspy voice.

His eyes were sleepy and his hair was messy, sticking out in random directions on his head. I reached up and tried to smooth it down, but it was no use. I just smiled and kissed his chin with a smile on my face. Sleepy Joey was really cute.

“Hi,” I said in response. “What time is it?”

He glanced at the clock sitting on my nightstand and said, “It’s a little before nine. I would’ve woken you up by 9:30 because I know you have to go into work at ten.”

“You are the cutest,” I smiled, kissing him quickly before rolling out bed and walking over to my closet.

I glanced back at him and saw that his blush had finally returned. I ran over to my bed and straddled his stomach, pinning his hands down by his head. “I made you blush again!”

He glared at me but it soon turned into kisses.

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