Chapter 4

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Happy New Year, babes.

The entire time we were at the beach, I couldn’t stop staring at Hailey with Joey. She was laughing and practically throwing herself at him and he just let her. I wanted to punch her in the face and cry at the same time. I wasn’t the jealous type, but that’s what I was feeling.

“You’re totally into that guy and in denial about it,” Briana laughed, elbowing me in the ribs. “I don’t blame you, he’s super cute.”

“I’m not jealous, Joey can flirt with whoever he wants to. I’m just being stupid,” I shook my head, draining the rest of my water and crushing the bottle in my hands angrily.

She shook her head and offered me a drink of her wine cooler. “I know you’re not a drinker, but it could make things a little bit better…”

I shook my head, looking around the beach. “I’m not going to drink just because Joey wants to talk to Hailey. I think I’m going to go join that volleyball game. Care to join me?”

She thought about it for a second and nodded. I pulled my tank top and shorts off before taking her hand and running over to the guys with the ball. They all stopped and looked over at Briana and me, their eyes raking over our bodies.

“What can we do for you beautiful ladies today?” the one with the ball asked, looking at us through his sunglasses. “You want to play with us?”

“Oh yeah, we’re going to kick your asses, too!” Briana cheered, taking my hand and bouncing. “Isn’t that right, Sagey?”

“We need to know your names before we start playing together,” he smiled. “I’m Tyler and these are my friends Craig and Spencer.”

“I’m Briana and this is my friend Sage,” Briana introduced, moving us over to the other side of the net with Craig. “We’re going to play with you, Craig. Is that okay?”

He nodded and smiled at us, moving his sunglasses off of his eyes. “That’s great, and I apologize for the temper tantrum that Tyler and Spencer, but mostly Tyler, are going to throw when we kick their asses. Their behavior doesn’t reflect mine, by the way.”

He was flirting like crazy with Briana and it made me smile. I winked at Briana and shoved her closer to him, trying to help her out. She nodded and made sure to stay close to him as the game started.

I was actually good at the game, I played for the school’s team. I tried to let the other guys think that I sucked until towards the end when I started to hit my stride. Briana and Craig set me up for me to spike the ball into the sand. We ended up winning the entire game.

I saw Craig wrap his arms around Briana and lift her up in victory. I smiled and went over to the other side of the net. I held out my hand to the others.

“You’re really good,” Spencer said, taking my outstretched hand in his. “I’m Spencer, just in case you didn’t know.”

I smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I’m Sage.”

“Hey you guys, do you want to come to my bonfire tonight?” Hailey slurred, stumbling down the beach with Joey behind her trying to make sure she didn’t hurt herself. “It’s going to be super fun.”

“Don’t let our drunk friend change your opinions of us,” Briana said, already tucked into Craig’s side.

“We’d love to come to a bonfire,” Tyler said, winking at Hailey. “When does it start?”

“We’re going to get the wood right now, but we’ll light it whenever it starts getting dark,” Ben said, walking down to all of us.

“I want to go get wood with you guys!” Hailey shrieked before running off down the beach with Ben chasing after her. “You can’t catch me, Benny!”

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