CH:2 You can call me Jack

Start from the beginning

          "Oh, I was a little late and the paper was just Bill being a jerk." Felix was praying she would let it go. 

         "Bill! I'll get him, he's such a Jerk!" Marzia suddenly stood up, jostling Felix in her hand, but she almost stepped on Sean. 

          "Hey! Watch it!" Sean shouted, he suddenly felt nervous as the attention of two giants and two humans assumed their position on him. 

          "Excuse me?" Marzia said sweetly, she clearly hadn't heard him. Sean began to back up, looking straight up to see someone's face didn't seem natural, he then speed (Because SPEED IS KEY!)walked in the opposite direction, though he heard Felix telling Marzia that Sean was his friend and he had invited him to sit at their table,but he wasn't worried about that at the moment, he was worried about Mark. 

          Mark was heading this way and he was waving at Felix, not paying attention to who was on the ground. "Mark! Watch where your going!" Felix shouted at him. This caused Mark to freeze. Sean guessed that was a sign that a human was near there feet because Mark immediately looked down at Sean. 

          It had all happened so fast, in a single instant, Mark had almost stepped on him, and Marzia still hadn't heard what he said. Sean felt his hoodie tighten around his chest as if someone was tugging on the back of it, and his feet were leaving the ground far faster than he would have liked. Then he heard Mark make a quick few steps forward and stop Marzia's hand from rising any higher. 

          "Marzia, he's afraid of heights, please don't pick him up, he isn't used to giants." Marzia nodded worriedly and placed Sean back on the ground. "I'm so so so so sorry, I don't know what came over me, I should have known to ask first, I just get so used to Felix, I-" 

          But Sean stopped her rambling with his raised hand. "It's Ok. I guess." Then he turned to Mark. "Thanks for tellin' her, I guess I was a little to hard on yeh when we first met. I didn't know you would actually help me without incentive, I was always taught there was always a catch when giants were being friendly." Sean sighed, Mark was Ok, he guessed, but this Marzia girl was on his bad side at the moment. 

          "Uh, thanks?, but I did have incentive, your my friend." Mark said, causing Sean to look up at him smiling. "Would you uh, like to sit with us?" Mark asked. Sean looked at the dauntingly high cafeteria tables before him. 

          "I uh, I think I will climb that myself." Sean said, he clearly wasn't ready to be picked up again. He slowly made his way to the table. The small mettle support of one of the legs was thin enough for Sean to just barley get his arms around. With skilled movements he acceded the table leg, but when he got to the end of the support the leg was too wide, he would fall. 

          "Uh, need any help?" Mark questioned. Sean gulped, he looked down but soon regretted it. "Yes! Please help me!" He practically shouted, eyes shut in terror. Mark hurried over to Sean's trembling form. Mark positioned his hand directly under Sean's feet. 

          "All you have to do is drop ten inches." He said, it may have seemed mean, but Mark needed to know that Sean trusted him, he wasn't going to hold him again if he knew he didn't trust him. 

          "Mark! That's like five feet for me!" Mark nodded, even though he knew Sean couldn't see, he had his eyes tightly shut. 

          "That's the point, I'm not gonna hold you again until I know that you trust me." Sean screamed a very unflattering scream and plummeted, right into Mark's safe hand. 

          "See that wasn't that bad." Mark smiled at him. "No that was horrifying, just put me on the table." Mark nodded again even though Sean still hadn't opened his eyes, it wasn't exactly what Mark had wanted but it was better than Sean still attached to the table leg. 

          "See Sean, they don't bite." Felix said, sitting on Marzia's shoulder as she sat down. 

          "Let me do the introductions. "You already know Mark, this is my girlfriend Marzia." Felix in turn pointed to Mark and Marzia, Sean looked a bit skeptical when Felix said girlfriend but he didn't mention it. "That's Phil," He pointed to a human on the other side of the table, who, along with a giant sitting in front of him had been quiet through this whole thing, minus a few gasps here and there. "That's Dan." He pointed to the giant sitting in front of Phil. Sean walked over and shook hands with Phil and shook a finger with Dan. 

          "Sorry about earlier, new start?" Marzia held her finger out cautiously. "Yeah, I think we need one." Sean smiled and shook her finger. "But since you guys are all my friends now, you can call me by my name." They stared at him. "Sean's not your real name?" Mark asked. "Well, yeah it is my real name, but my close friends call me Jack." They were now confused where Jack came from, in fact, Phil had his mouth open, but Jack lifted a hand to stop him mid-word. "Don't ask, I don't even know, but that's what my Ma calls me, and my friends back home-" Jack let a tear slip, "They called me Jack too." 

          Don't be sad Jack, we are your friends now." Dan said reassuring him.

Hey my lovely Peeps! Super sorry, this chapter was supposed to be all about Felix and Marzia but I saw and opening to make Jack some friends and I couldn't help it, blame my heart, for it does not listen to my brain. But anyway I will be doing an almost Felix/Marzia exclusive chapter next, I hope. Anyway IF YOU LIKED IT, SAY YOU DID IN THE COMMENTS LIKE A BOOOOOSS, AND I'LL WRITE YOU ALL, IN THE NEXT CHAPTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!

-THAT WEIRD AUTHOR!!!!!! oops, sorry for shouting...

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