Chapter One

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Five Years Later

"Jade," a voice penatrates through my sleeping brain. An urgent knock. "Jade!"

I slowly sit up and stretch, my neck and back popping. Last nights... entertainment is still asleep. I get out of the bed and pull on my gold silk robe, then open the door.

"Yes?" I ask my best friend and now beta, Mason Oliviera.

He rolls his eyes. "Took you long enough. I know you've had a... busy night, but it's almost eleven, and you need to eat so you can train the pups later."

I sigh, "I did say I would, didn't I? Alright. Get this guy out of my room then I'll be down in a minute."

"Get him out yourself." He smirks and walks down the hall.

"I hate you!" I call after him.

He turns and blows me a kiss. "Love you too, babe."

I walk over to the edge of the king sized bed. He's still asleep. I reach over and yank the sheet off of him. He shoots up, his feet hitting the floor with a thud. "What the-"

"You need to leave." I say, tossing his clothes and boots at him.

"What?" He asks, tugging on the clothes. "So that's it? We spend an amazing night together, and now you're making me leave?"

I stare at him for a while. "Uh... yeah. I already told you last night that I just needed one night then a clean cut, no strings attached."

"How am I supposed to get to my car? We drove here from the bar in yours." He's grasping at straws.

"If you go down the hall there should be someone there to lead you out and drive you to your car." Hey, I'm not heartless.

He sighs, now fully dressed. "Can I at least get a goodbye hug or something?"

I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist, then quickly let go. He apparently isn't satisfied with that, because he pulls me to him and presses his lips to mine. I ket him kiss me for a few seconds, then I shove him off and push him out the door. His footsteps echo down the hall.

It has the same thing almost every night, just with a new guy. It has been this way ever since three years ago when I killed the Alpha of this rouge pack. I had been on my own for two years, hunting. Living. Teaching myself to fight. Getting stronger. Working past the pain Gage put me and Yasmine through.

I had stumbled into this rouge packs territory. A wolf had me pinned down, and I easily threw him off, he was so weak. Him and his companion were covered in scars. Wierd. They took me to their rouge alpha, Zion. He took an immediate liking to me. Gave me a place to sleep, clothes on my back, food in my belly.

He was kind. For a little while.

I had been staying with the pack for about a month when I first got a glimpse of the real Zion. We were eating, just the two of us after training. He walked me to my door and tried to kiss me. I turned my head and politely told him no. He got angry. Really angry, and he pushed me and beat me. Zion yelled at me, saying how ungreatful I was. That he had done so much for me and got nothing in return. He left me there, bleeding.

Then Mason came. He was 6'1 brown haired, brown eyed. He helped me into my room and patched me up. He told me that Zion was like this with everyone. Now the scars on the patrol wolves made more sense. It had started when his Luna, a woman named Frida, died. He went completely mad, lashing out at everyone.

Mason told me that I look like Zions mate did. Black hair, green eyes. By this time, I had grown from the girl I was in Dark Night. My face evened out, even becoming beautiful. My hair fell down to my waist. I grew into a lovely hourglass shape. I was still a short 5'3 though.

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