"I have an idea! Why not throw a party?" I said excited at the prospect of actually having a party after so long

"That's a good idea. We can have a surprise party for him. Congratulate him on becoming a daddy party. But who are we going to invite? We don't really know anyone here and his parents can't be here before tonight" she said with a sigh

"Leave it up to me. You just make sure that Xander doesn't come near the North wing of the castle." I said before giving her one last hug and making my way towards where I sensed Ryan.

In my excitement I burst into the conference room, where I sensed Ryan, without knocking. Result? Me standing in a room full of snobby professional people that all looked down on me with distaste. Since I've been here only the servants and teachers have seen us in the castle. Ryan believed that Razzardus still didn't know that we had in fact contacted him. So by staying unseen we reduced the risk of an attack before we were ready.

"Rey, what a surprise. You're early" Ryan said quickly standing up to attract the attention away from me.

I looked at him confused. We didn't have an appointment. "Ladies and gentleman, I asked Reyna to join us in today's meeting since all the people I regard as close and personal friends are gathered here. And I want you all to be the first to know about our good news" he said with a charming smile. His words obviously suited the snobby people in the room as the all sat up a little straighter in knowing that they were regarded as close friends of the King

"This beautiful woman you see here," he said walking towards me "is my true love" With those words whispers erupted throughout the room. Everyone clearly excited about the news

"When is the wedding?","I know the perfect fairies to create the wedding dress!", "I wish I was her" went throughout the room

"People, people calm down. We only just met and I do not wish to hurry her. But I did want to brag a little. For now I wish for this to remain confidential. I'm sure you would respect my wishes?" He said slowly. His voice warning anyone who dared to say anything

Everyone in the room seemed to be a little put out by this, but nodded their heads nonetheless.

As soon as the meeting was over I breathed a sigh of relief. No one knew about me, and my secret was safe for now. But I knew that we won't have a lot of time before they start talking about a new queen and Razzardus will know that it was me. I didn't have time to worry about that now however. I promised Zanne a party, and she was going to have one!

I asked Ryan of the favour I needed and he immediately agreed. Next I called Alpha Naomi to inform her of the good news. The Alpha, Alpha female and a couple of their closest friends were planning on leaving right away. Ryan would be sending a couple of his sport cars to meet them halfway (Apparently he drove around in a carriage only on official royal business). If we were lucky they would arrive just before 7, giving me enough time to organise the party.

It was 6 and everything was perfect. Everything except me. I ran to get dressed and decided on a black cocktail dress with black heels. I quickly reapplied my make-up before making my way to the entrance where the people seemed to be arriving.

Zanne had helped when she wasn't busy distracting Xander so I told her about the Alpha Female. She was extremely pleased. Zanne and Alpha Naomi had been sending letters to and fro since we arrived and they've started to bond.

I looked at my watch to see that it was 18:55. We had five minutes before Ryan, who was keeping an eye on Xander while me and Zanne were getting ready, would be allowed to bring Xander in. Just then Zanne entered, looking breathtaking in the soft flowing green dress she was wearing. She spotted Alpha Naomi and immediately rushed forward to give her a hug. Before anything could be said however I whistled. Gaining everyone's attention.

"We have five minutes people. Everybody follow me." I ordered before starting off in the direction of the dining room. When everyone was in their positions the lights were turned of and a silence filled the room.

I could feel Ryan and Xander getting closer and closer. "I don't want ice cream. Do I look 5 years old to you?" I heard Xander say before Ryan opened the door and put on the lights.

"Why is it so dark in here anyway?" Xander continued with his rambling

"Surprise!" We yelled as we jumped out from where we were hiding as soon as the lights went on. Xander looked surprised, then happy, then confused.

"Congratulations man" Ryan said first, earning him a frown

Congratulations were filling the air as everyone tried to get to Xander to shake his hand. Xander kept trying to tell people that his birthday wasn't for another 8 months but everybody just ignored him.

Finally Zanne came to a stop in front of him. "It's not my birthday Zanne. What's going on?" He asked, hoping he would finally get an answer.

"Can't we celebrate your status upgrade daddy?" Zanne asked with a small meaningful smile

"Daddy?" he asked confused before his eyes started to grow. Hesitantly he put his hand on Zanne's stomach before looking at her questioningly. She just nodded her head to confirm his unspoken question.

A big smile broke out on his face as he picked Zanne up to spin her around in the air. He put her down and gave her a long kiss before turning to the crowd around him.

He gave a fist punch into the air "I'm going to be a daddy!" he yelled causing applause and whistles to echo through the castle.

Reyna's fairy taleWhere stories live. Discover now