Akabane Karma x Shiota Nagisa ≫ Our Memories

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Includes cussing and rude language :3

Last month,

Shiota Nagisa got into a car accident.

It wasn't really a big deal for anyone, he survived.

But it was all because of me.

I was the one who made him get hit.

The story, you ask?

I was standing on the road, trying to prove to Nagisa that cars were going to stop and not hit me.

Of course, a speeding car came and Nagisa had pushed me out of the way.

Turns out, his mom was driving that car.

Ha, it's funny.

I got my best friend into this mess.

He woke up a few days ago.

But he wasn't the Shiota Nagisa I knew.

"Nagisa!" I exclaimed when the small boy opened his eyes.

He smiled his usual smile, then looked at me confusedly.

"I-I'm sorry, but who are you?"

I looked at the bluenette, shocked.

I ran outside and called doctors.

They said he had amnesia.

And of course, I left the small bluenette alone.

I never visited him again.

But today was the first day he was coming back to class, meaning I would see him.

"G-Good morning." Nagisa greeted as he entered the classroom.

Everyone looked at Nagisa, who just sat down in a seat next the the green hoe, Kayano Kaede.

And they started talking.

Of course, he never knew me.

So he never came up to me.

I just stared at the two, who were laughing and talking.

"Hey, Karma-kun, why aren't you talking to Nagisa-kun?" Isogai Yūma asked, walking up to me.

I smirked.

"The little shit doesn't need to talk to me, I'm not his friend." I responded. Isogai sighed.

"Karma-kun, did you guys get into a fight? Is that why you guys didn't come to school for a month?" Isogai asked once more.

I smiled and stood up from my seat.

"Look, I already told you me and that little shit aren't friends. He doesn't even remember me. You call that friendship, Isogai-kun?" I smirked. Isogai shook his head slowly.

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